
Why are Chinese women attracted to Western men?

Why are Chinese women attracted to Western men?

Here are some reasons why Chinese women are attracted to Western men: Almost all of the women I talked with said that they love that their men enjoy life. They won’t want someone who lives just to climb the career ladder and spend all their waking hours working on business projects.

Do you find Asian men attractive?

No. Asian men are attractive, also Latin men. Western when they are hot, ofc they are attractive but their positions are the same with any other race. But maybe I am the 10\%. Come from Indonesia, I could only speak about my country.

Do Indonesian women think Western men are more attractive?

Statistically, high probability Indonesian women think western man is better and has more attractive look. We were once colonialised for more than hundred years. Western people came, traded with us, and eventually thought “Hey this land if good for my colony. No. Asian men are attractive, also Latin men.

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Do Western girls and Asian girls have different beauty standards?

Western girls love to be tanned, Asian girls prefer white skin. We all know that Chinese girls have specific ideals of female beauty, but do foreigners share these ideals? Let’s explore the beauty standards in China and in the West and see to what extent they’re different.

What do women like about dating Chinese men?

All of the women said that the guys they’ve dated are honest and someone they can really trust. Several also mentioned that they like the fact that they’re dating a guy, not his whole family. With Chinese guys, having a relationship with them means having a relationship with their parents.

How do Chinese men handle disagreements with foreign women?

A few women said that Chinese men are more passive when it comes to disagreements and the typical way to handle them is to remain quiet and hope it goes away. Foreign men, in their opinion, tend to want to talk it through and resolve the issue as soon as possible. It takes time and experience to get used to resolving conflicts this way, they said.

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What do Chinese men really care about?

That kind of quality, one of my interviewees said, is typical of Chinese men who care a lot about having a stable job, a home and being able to afford luxury brands. She also said, of the Western men that she’s dated, that they have a wider view of life.