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What is pulsatilla homeopathy good for?

What is pulsatilla homeopathy good for?

Pulsatilla is also used for tension headache, hyperactivity, trouble sleeping (insomnia), boils, asthma and other lung diseases, earache, migraines, nerve pain (neuralgia), general restlessness, disorders of the gastrointestinal (GI), and disorders of the urinary tract.

What is the use of Pulsatilla 200?

Dr. Reckeweg Pulsatilla Nigricans Dilution is one of the most commonly used homoeopathy medicines that are effective in treating a multitude of health issues including teething issues, back pain, labour pain, sciatica, urgent urge to urinate, food poisoning, chilblains and mumps.

Does Pulsatilla help anxiety?

(Pulsatilla is a very useful remedy for children.) Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room often increases anxiety. Fresh air and gentle exercise often bring relief. Anxiety around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) often is helped with Pulsatilla.

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What is the best homeopathic medicine for heart?

Laurocerasus is the best homoeopathic medications for heart failure with:

  • Pain in the heart region.
  • There is a clutching feeling in the heart and palpitations as well.
  • Your pulse is weak, slow, variable, or irregular.
  • You feel suffocation, palpitations, and fainting.

What does homeopathic phosphorus do?

Phosphorus is commonly for irritating coughs and sore throats. Pains may be burning with a desire to sip cold drinks. Very sensitive to all impressions, the senses may become very acute and they may have many fears.

Is Pulsatilla and Pulsatilla nigricans same?

Description. Pulsatilla nigricans, commonly known as pulsatilla, is a remedy derived from the plant commonly known as wind flower, pasque flower, or meadow anemone. The perennial plant is a member of the Ranunculaceae family and is native to central and northern Europe and southern England.

Does Pulsatilla really work?

Pulsatilla is used for painful conditions of the male or female reproductive system, skin conditions, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use.

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Is Pulsatilla same as Pulsatilla nigricans?

Description. Pulsatilla nigricans, commonly known as pulsatilla, is a remedy derived from the plant commonly known as wind flower, pasque flower, or meadow anemone.

What does gelsemium treat?

Gelsemium is used as a painkiller for migraine headaches and for face pain (trigeminal neuralgia) caused by certain facial nerves. It is also used for asthma and other breathing problems.

Can homeopathy cure hole in the heart?

Homoeopathic Treatment for Heart Hole Homoeopathy offers a significant complementary role in the treatment of several cardiovascular diseases. Homoeopathic remedies are effective in treating heart diseases, either as a therapeutic or as preventive medicine.

How is heart blockage treated?

If you have a blockage that requires treatment, a balloon can be pushed through the catheter and inflated to improve the blood flow in your coronary arteries. A mesh tube (stent) is typically used to keep the dilated artery open. Cardiac CT scan.

What is the use of phosphorus 30 homeopathic medicine?

Information about SBL Phosphorus Dilution 30 CH SBL Phosphorus Dilution is a homeopathic composition used for the treatment of a wide range of issues such as anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease and respiratory disorders such as bronchitis and asthma. It relives congestion in the chest and helps in improving breathing.

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What conditions do homeopaths treat with Pulsatilla?

Uses of Pulsatilla Female problems. Pulsatilla is a very useful homeopathic medicine for female problems such as amenorrhea, leucorrhoea and painful periods. Respiratory problems. This is an effective homeopathic medicine for the treatment of respiratory problems such as hoarseness of the voice, cough and soreness of the throat. Gastric problems. Skin problems.

What is aconite used for in homeopathy?

Aconite is also used as a disinfectant, to treat wounds, and to promote sweating. Some people apply aconite to the skin in liniment as a “counterirritant” for treating facial pain, joint pain, and leg pain ( sciatica ). How does it work?