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What did Dumbledore mean when he said remember my last?

What did Dumbledore mean when he said remember my last?

Petunia’s disdain for Harry was most likely born from a long-standing jealousy of her magical sister, Lily. A Howler from Dumbledore, addressed to Petunia, said ‘Remember my last’ – no doubt referring to the letter which he left with baby Harry, on the doorstep of Privet Drive.

Why did Dumbledore want Harry to go back to the Dursleys?

Harry had to return to Dursley’s every year before his seventeenth birthday because of an ancient charm that was placed on him by Dumbledore when he was bought to the Dursley’s doorstep. As long as he was in Petunia’s care, Voldemort couldn’t hurt him. She shared the blood with Lily and their blood became his refuge.

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Why did the Dursleys let Harry keep Hedwig?

Hogwarts years Vernon Dursley forced Harry to lock Hedwig in her cage, sometimes for weeks at a time to prevent Harry from sending messages to his “freaky little friends”. He felt forgotten by his friends and mused that Hedwig was the only proof he had that the wizarding world was real.

What did Dumbledores howler to Petunia mean?

REMEMBER MY LAST, PETUNIA The Howler’s angry message. This howler was written by Albus Dumbledore to Petunia Dursley on 2 August, 1995, to remind her “of the pact she had sealed by taking Harry Potter” into her home. This howler ensured Harry Potter continued to reside at the Dursley residence.

Why did Uncle Vernon Lock the owl inside?

Uncle Vernon had even padlocked Harry’s owl, Hedwig, inside her cage, to stop her from carrying messages to anyone in the wizarding world. Harry looked nothing like the rest of the family.

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Why did Vernon Dursley hate Harry so much?

But Rowling states that as for Vernon Dursley—true to form—he hated Harry for much more human reasons: he felt embarrassed by his father, James Potter, who Harry uncomfortably reminded him of. James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove. James described his racing broom.

Where does Vernon Dursley live in the Harry Potter series?

Vernon Dursley was an English Muggle, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley and uncle by marriage of Harry Potter. He lived at 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, along with his wife and son for twenty years until they were forced into hiding during the escalation of the Second Wizarding War.

Why did the Dursleys abandon Harry Potter on the train?

Uncle Vernon pointed out that Harry’s platform didn’t exist but, rather than stay and gloat till the train departed, the Dursleys drove off laughing. Er… if they didn’t believe Harry’s platform existed, they basically just abandoned him, then.

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Who is Petunia Dursley in Harry Potter?

Petunia Dursley, the sister of Harry’s mother, and her husband Vernon take their nephew in when his parents are murdered, raising him alongside their own son Dudley, but forcing him to live in the cupboard under the stairs.