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What do we know about the High Republic?

What do we know about the High Republic?

The High Republic, a new “multimedia initiative”, sets up a whole new era of Star Wars storytelling. Set two centuries before the events of The Phantom Menace, it sees the Jedi Order at the height of their powers, protecting a Galactic Republic that’s enthusiastically expanding into the Outer Rim.

What was the High Republic era in Star Wars?

The High Republic Era was a period of time that lasted for around two hundred years between approximately 300 BBY and 82 BBY in which the Galactic Republic was said to be at its height.

Was Yoda alive during the High Republic?

A new preview has been released for Star Wars’ upcoming High Republic line of original stories. This means that the long-lived and popular Jedi Master Yoda is very much alive and well during this era, training Padawans on an academic star cruiser. …

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What ended the High Republic era?

The Invasion of Naboo, followed by the Separatist Crisis and the Clone Wars, marked the Republic’s transition from a democracy to a military dictatorship under Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. This thirteen-year period from 32 BBY to 19 BBY became known as the fall of the Republic.

How old is Yoda in the High Republic?

around 700 years old
But one of those few who has shown up is a beloved fan-favorite: Yoda. And this makes sense, as he’s nearly 900 years old by the time of his death in Return of the Jedi! That means he’s around 700 years old during the High Republic era, and is thus obviously already an influential member of the Jedi Order.

How do you read Star Wars High Republic?

Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reading Order

  1. Go Together: Part One – Short story published in Star Wars Insider 199.
  2. Light of the Jedi – Novel.
  3. A Test of Courage – Junior novel.
  4. Into the Dark – Young-adult novel.
  5. The Great Jedi Rescue – Young readers book.

Is the High Republic The Old Republic?

Star Wars: The High Republic, initially promoted as Project Luminous, is a multimedia project consisting of various stories from the Star Wars franchise set during the “High Republic” sub-era of the Age of Republic, roughly 200 years before the Star Wars films and 800 years after the fall of the “Old Republic”.

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How do you read the High Republic?

Was Darth Revan alive in the High Republic?

Revan was a remarkably smart strategist who, as a Jedi, served as Supreme Commander of the Galactic Republic during the Mandalorian War in the year 3960 BBY, about 3700 years before the High Republic is set to take place. From there, Revan remains on the light side with the Jedi and dies in the year 3638 BBY.

What caused the Great Hyperspace disaster?

Destruction of the Legacy Run The Legacy Run was traveling through hyperspace along a well-established hyperspace route when disaster struck. Parts of the Legacy Run were propelled throughout hyperspace and eventually back into realspace as a result, causing widespread disruption.

What is the high Republic era in Star Wars?

The High Republic Era was a period of time8 that lasted for around two hundred years between approximately 300 BBY1 and 82 BBY2 in which the Galactic Republic was said to be at its height.8 It was also a golden age for the Jedi, who were significantly more active throughout the galaxy, and a…

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What year did the high Republic start?

↑ 1.0 1.1 The Star Wars Book dates the start of the High Republic Era to approximately 300 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that A New Hope begins in 0 BBY, the High Republic Era must have begun approximately 300 BBY .

What’s new on the high Republic show?

High Republic Jedi Council Deep Dive, a Lesson on Wayseekers, and More! In this episode of Star Wars: The High Republic Show Krystina updates the High Republic timeline with all the latest and greatest events, learns all about Wayseeker Jedi, and takes a deep dive into the Jedi Council during this new era.

Will there be a Star Wars high Republic book?

Star Wars: The High Republic – A Test of Courage (January 5, 2021) by Justina Ireland, published by Disney–Lucasfilm Press. The novel shows young Jedi Vernestra Rwoh and Imri Cantaros, as well as several children, aboard a ship bombed by the Nihil, forcing them to survive on a hostile jungle moon.