
Can Shazam defeat Doomsday?

Can Shazam defeat Doomsday?

However, while Shazam could kill Doomsday with his lightning, he probably wouldn’t want to. Although Doomsday might not have a defense against Shazam’s magic lightning, if he died from its blasts and came back to life, he would be immune to certain types of magic, making him more dangerous than ever.

Can Super Man beat Shazam?

8 Shazam. Many fans consider Shazam a Superman-ripoff. However, the fact that Shazam’s powers came through the use of magic gives him a clear advantage over Superman in the area of strength in battle. Shazam is also one of the rare heroes who managed to knock Superman out.

Can Doomsday beat DR fate?

7 Would Demolish Him: Doctor Fate Doctor Fate can stay out of Doomsday’s reach pretty much indefinitely and just pound him with magic spells. It might take a bit, but Fate will eventually be able to come up with a spell that would allow him to destroy Doomsday.

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How would Shazam defeat Doomsday?

As a creature born of science, Doomsday has no built-in defense against magic, meaning Shazam could simply keep blasting Doomsday with his lightning until the creature fell. Shazam could even launch a multi-pronged attack by calling down lightning from the sky and blasting Doomsday with the lightning from his hands.

Is Doomsday the most powerful superhuman in DC?

Doomsday is an unstoppable alien killing machine who once managed to kill one of DC’s most powerful superhumans, Superman. However, the DC Universe is full of powerful beings, including a fan favorite who has often been compared to the Man of Steel – Shazam, the World’s Mightiest Mortal.

Can Shazam kill Superman?

Even when Shazam fought a future version of Superman in the Kingdom Come timeline who was much more powerful than his modern-day counterpart, his lightning still managed to hurt the Man of Steel and would most likely have killed him if Shazam had been able to keep blasting him.

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Is Doomsday unbeatable?

If so, then the answer is a full-throated yes. Doomsday is far from unbeatable, as Superman has shown. The dodgy thing about the character is that he regenerates, and is then cannot be put down in quite the same manner again.