
Is it normal to not be excited about college?

Is it normal to not be excited about college?

Excited, scared, anxious, apathetic—all of these feelings are normal to have about the college experience. You are not alone for feeling unenthusiastic. Know it will get better. It will take time, but giving college a chance can lead to some pretty great opportunities.

What if I dont get into any colleges I apply to?

You have two major options: to attend community college right away and apply to transfer to your preferred college later, or to take a gap year and reapply to your preferred college in the next admissions cycle.

How do I get excited about college?

10 Ways to Get Excited about Your Future College (Even If It Wasn’t Your First Choice)

  1. Learn more about the college, campus and surrounding areas.
  2. Start reading your future college’s student publications.
  3. Follow your future school’s social media accounts.
  4. Get in touch with people from your future class.
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How can I be excited?

Here are some tips:

  1. Get out of the bed right away. You can be excited about your day right from the beginning.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Smile.
  4. Find simple wonders.
  5. Watch your body language.
  6. Avoid being around negative people.
  7. Do something meaningful to you.
  8. Learn to enjoy what you are doing.

Why can’t I get into any colleges I applied to?

Chances are, not being accepted to any of the colleges you applied to is simply a matter of abysmally bad luck. That’s a difficult thing to endure, but don’t give up now! Admissions decisions may be out of your hands in the end, but you still have the opportunity for a positive outcome with a little more hard work and persistence.

What to do when your college rejects your application?

As soon as you have made up your mind, take a day to celebrate your decision and get down to informing the rejected colleges. Be polite and thank them for their time – The admissions office has taken the time to assess your application, answer all your questions and put together a financial aid package for you.

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What if I didn’t receive many offers of admission?

If you’re set on attending college in the fall, but did not receive many or any offers of admission to the colleges to which you already applied, consider finding colleges that are still accepting applications.

Should I tell my college about my financial aid decision?

Aside from being the courteous thing to do, informing the school also frees up the financial aid that has been reserved for you so that another freshman can benefit from it. Be proactive – Don’t wait for the admissions officer to get in touch with you, whether by a phone call or email, to ask you about your decision.