
Is dating a girl 4 years older weird?

Is dating a girl 4 years older weird?

Nothing is weird regarding age and dating as long as everybody involved as reached sexual majority and even among the remaining cases you would find a lot of not weird cases, only illegal. You can even date people 70 years older or younger than you, if it’s legal. Some people might also find it weird.

Is 5 years a big age difference for dating?

According to a study conducted by Emory University in Atlanta, the bigger the difference the bigger the chance of separation. After analysing 3,000 people, it found that couples with a five-year age gap are 18 per cent more likely to split up than those of the same age.

Is 5 years a big age difference?

Does dating a girl make you feel old?

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But actually, it makes you feel old. Really old. When you were first dating, her high energy and bubbly nature rubbed off on you, and it was easy to keep up with her as you rode the adrenaline rush. She made you feel young again, and you loved that feeling.

Should I date a girl younger than me?

Sure, if you date someone younger than you, you may get to help them figure out some basic life admin stuff for a while — but it won’t be a pure “teacher-student”-type relationship, not just because younger people still have plenty to teach us, but also because people figure that stuff out relatively quickly.

What’s it like to date a guy 3 years your junior?

Dating a guy three years my junior has been an adventure. There are the perks, such as his optimism, the simplicity of the relationship and the excitement he has for pretty much anything. It’s nice to be reminded to have fun every once a while, especially when it’s with someone I care so much about.

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Is it OK for younger guys to not know what they want?

It’s OK for younger guys to not fully know what they want to do with their lives, but us nudging them to start thinking about it is like asking them to take a bullet for us. It’s an immediate trigger when you’re dating a younger guy. We aren’t trying to be annoying, just trying to help.