
Why is astrology important in our lives?

Why is astrology important in our lives?

Astrology is an ancient concept, as old as time, you can say. It is an importance aspect of our lives – our past, present and future. To a great extent, astrology is used to forecast and predict future events and can also be used as a medium to get rid of any kind of mishap related to planetary positions.

What astrology can tell you about your purpose?

Astrology can bring to light what lies at the heart of you — what your life’s purpose or work is really about, not simply how you choose to earn a living. It can help you select a job or hobby that reflects your innate character and key needs.

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How do you find your birth purpose?

«The number of the life path» – most corresponds to the purpose of a person on the basis of Pythagorean numerology [1]. Write down the date of birth and sum up the numbers. For example: 27 (day), 09 (month) and 1987 (year) – 2+7 + 0+9 + 1+9+8+7 = 4+3 = 7.

Can astrology be helpful?

Astrology can be used to help you in many ways. It can reveal damaging behavioral patterns or forewarn you of upcoming challenges. It can help you pinpoint latent talents you may possess and provide you with specific hints on how to best develop them.

Why do people seek astrology readings?

People often seek out astrological readings when their old ways of being aren’t working for them. And, astrology can be a very good blueprint. Astrology acts as a reminder that your soul chose this. It reminds us that we are part of a much bigger cycle and that we are not meant to suffer.

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What is soul astrology and how does it work?

INSIDE: Soul astrology provides a map of your soul purpose, helping you understand why you have the obstacles you have and how to move past them to accomplish the mission you came here to pursue. Astrology is an ancient science of reading the temperaments and inclinations of humans born under certain constellations.

Is astrology a blueprint for Your Life?

And, astrology can be a very good blueprint. Astrology acts as a reminder that your soul chose this. It reminds us that we are part of a much bigger cycle and that we are not meant to suffer. When it comes to astrology, I have a few rules that I live by:

Where can I find a professional astrologer for information?

Here are some astrology websites and astrologers who provide individual readings and general information: Amanda Pua Walsh’s Inner Circle on Astrology Hub. She has created a forum for many seasoned astrologers to share their information. It’s a wonderful service. Daniel Giamario’s Shamanic Astrology Mystery School.