Which is the second most important language in the world?

Which is the second most important language in the world?

French. French is the second most widely learned language in the world. As a leftover of colonization, French has a foothold on five continents and is one of the working languages of the United Nations.

Is Spanish the 2nd most popular language?

Where does the Spanish language rank globally? Spanish is the second most spoken native language globally, with almost 500 million speakers. Only Mandarin Chinese dominates Spanish with over 1.2 billion Mandarin Chinese speakers.

Why is Spanish the 2nd most spoken language in the world?

4. Spanish (534 million speakers) It is the second most spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers. Due to migration, the United States is the country with the second-largest number of Spanish speakers in the world.

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How useful is Spanish?

1. Spanish. Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world after Chinese and English. It’s also the native language of more than 400 million people across 44 countries, which makes it one of the most useful languages to know.

Which is the sweetest language?

Bengali: Originated from Sanskrit, Bengali has been ranked the sweetest of all languages in the world. It is spoken mainly in parts of east India (West Bengal) and all over Bangladesh.

Is Spanish the 2nd most spoken language?

With 405 million native speakers, Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language after Mandarin. Learning Spanish opens doors in Spain, Latin America and even the United States.

Is Spanish more spoken than English?

“Somewhere I read the results of a study that concluded Spanish is spoken more rapidly than English. The reason is the typical Spanish syllable is open (meaning consonant-vowel) while in English the typical syllable is closed (consonant-vowel-consonant).

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What is the most spoken second language?

The world’s most widely spoken languages by number of native speakers and as a second language, according to figures from UNESCO (The United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), are: Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German and French.

What is the second most spoken language in the world?

The second most probably spoken language in the world is Spanish. This language is mostly spoken in Hispanic America, United States, Spain and Equatorial Guinea . More than 410 million people speak Spanish as their native language and this total no. of Spanish native speakers covers a 5.85\% of the world population.