
What is a high filling?

What is a high filling?

A high filling is a filling which is placed too high causing unnecessary contact between the filling and corresponding teeth. As the high filling continues to make contact with other teeth, it causes swelling and inflammation of the periodontal ligament.

What happens if your tooth filling is too high?

High fillings can wear down the enamel, causing tooth decay and cavities. In some cases, the filling can even loosen, or crack another tooth. This requires further dental care on top of filing the filling down.

What does a bad tooth filling look like?

Other signs of damage include white or dark spots on the tooth around the filling site. These spots may be signs of decay. Even a tiny crack in the filling can affect its ability to protect the tooth. Some fillings look intact but start to feel rough when you put your tongue over them.

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Can a filling be overfilled?

Similarly if a filling is too large, this can also lead to tooth ache and can make it difficult to adequately clean the teeth and the person will then become at risk from further decay and may require further fillings or alternative treatment.

Can a high filling cause sensitivity to cold?

There is a slight chance that an infection has erupted after the filling, causing the discomfort and throbbing pain. Damage to the teeth or the filling may expose nerves and sensitive tissues inside the tooth, triggering tooth sensitivity if exposed to hot or cold beverages.

Can you file down fillings?

Most of the time, fixing an uneven filing is just a matter of us filing down the filling and making sure that your bite is even. In most cases, the filing down of your uneven filling does not take much time at all, and usually does not require numbing of the tooth to fix.

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Can a high filling cause TMJ?

A dental filling that is too high can result in pain when you bite down, as the ligaments around the tooth can become inflamed and sore. TMJ troubles. When high fillings are involved, TMJ problems can occur if you have difficulties biting down or chewing.

What happens if my dental fillings are overfilled?

During a routine filling treatment, it’s possible for your dentist to overfill your decayed tooth or even place the filling too high and this can result in a great deal of discomfort, sensitivity, and even pain.

What should I do if my filling is too high?

That means you need to call your dentist and tell them that the filling is too high. The process of grinding it down and re-checking your bite should only take a few minutes and most dentists probably won’t charge for it — after all, the filling was high in the first place because they didn’t grind it down enough to begin with.

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What is high tooth filling and how does it work?

High Tooth Filling: Causes, Problems, and Treatment. The purpose of fillings is to remedy various issues with your teeth including tooth decay and cavities. The process involves your dentist removing the damaged portion of the affected tooth and then replacing it with a filling agent the purpose of which is to restore the tooth to its former glory.

Why do I have pain after a high filling?

Causes of Pain after a High Filling or Tooth Restoration. The reason you may experience either minor, moderate, or excruciating pain or discomfort after having a high filling placed is because every time you take a bite, your teeth push against one another and apply an increased amount of pressure.