
How did the Avengers turn the Aether into a stone in endgame?

How did the Avengers turn the Aether into a stone in endgame?

Avengers: Infinity War As part of his quest to obtain the Infinity Stones, Thanos raided Knowhere in search of the Aether. He found the Infinity Stone and presumably deemed the Aether too powerful to control, so he solidified it into the Reality Stone with his Gauntlet. He used the stone against his enemies.

How did the Avengers get the Aether into a stone?

The Aether was taken from the Elves by the Asgardians and entrusted to the Collector following the Second Dark Elf Conflict. During the Infinity War, the Aether was retrieved from the Collector’s Museum in Knowhere and solidified by the Mad Titan Thanos, who put the Stone inside his Infinity Gauntlet.

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How did they get the Aether out of Jane in endgame?

Rocket snuck into Foster’s room, and when she woke up, Rocket crept up behind her and extracted the Aether from her body.

How did Tivan get the Reality Stone?

In 2013, two Asgardians, Sif and Volstagg, arrived at Tivan’s museum, bringing with them the Infinity Stone known as the Aether, which had been recovered by Thor after his battle against Malekith on Earth. They gave it to him believing that it would be safe from other parties.

Why did the collector have the Reality Stone?

The Collector wants it for its rarity and collectability, not the things he could do with it. He wasn’t going to go try take over the galaxy with reality warping power. So, he was a good choice. The only question was his ability to safeguard it.

How was the Reality Stone extracted from Jane?

Thor and Rocket Raccoon traveled back in time to 2013, arriving at Asgard to extract the Reality Stone from Jane Foster for the Avengers’ plan to reverse the effects of the Snap. Thor found himself talking to Frigga while Rocket Raccoon successfully extracted the stone from Jane Foster. …

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How does The Collector get the power stone?

The Reality Stone grants the user power to manipulate matter. At the end of the movie, two Asgardians give the Reality Stone to The Collector because apparently they can’t keep the Space Stone and Reality Stone in the same room in Asgard.

How did SIF and Volstagg get the Aether?