
Why are bullets called magazines?

Why are bullets called magazines?

Magazine comes from an Arabic word meaning ‘storeroom,’ so the usage of the word to refer to a place where bullets are held for a gun or where ammunition is kept in a battleship makes complete sense.

Do soldiers wear hearing protection?

Soldiers typically are issued foam earplugs to protect their hearing, but few wear the ear protection because it blocks all noise, making it difficult to hear commands and listen for both friendly and enemy troop movement.

Can helmets stop rifle rounds?

Modern ballistic helmets provide different levels of protection. The levels are generally tested in accordance with the National Institute of Justice. The NIJ rates ballistic protection based on what rounds the item proved capable of stopping during rigorous testing. Levels III and IV will stop common rifle rounds.

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What happens if you lose your weapon in the military?

If that’s all you lost, you got off very, very lightly. More often, and especially if you lose your weapon in a combat zone, you’re looking at a “Field Grade Article 15” if your chain of command is feeling very generous.

Why do military people tether their gear to themselves?

A lot of people tether their gear to themselves using a rope so there’s absolutely no chance of losing something important. For attachments like scopes, you have to tether it to the weapon with a rope. Accountability and personal responsibility for your equipment is something the military takes so seriously it’s not even funny.

How does the military track down a stolen weapon?

The military will literally shut down an installation to find an errant weapon. There is no stone they will not turn over, no length to which you will not be driven to find that weapon. They will recall everyone who was in your location for the last day, line them up, and read off serial numbers until they find it.