
Where should the threshold be set on a compressor?

Where should the threshold be set on a compressor?

Threshold. The threshold control sets the level at which the compression effect is engaged. Only when a level passes above the threshold will it be compressed. If the threshold level is set at say -10 dB, only signal peaks that extend above that level will be compressed.

What is audio compression threshold?

The threshold is the level that the signal needs to rise above in order for the compressor to begin to work. The more the signal lives above the threshold, the more consistently and the more often the compressor will be working.

What does compression in Garageband do?

Compressor: A compressor adjusts the volume of the patch to smooth out sudden level changes. Compressors can add punch and definition to a track or an entire song, and can make it sound better when played on audio equipment with a narrow dynamic range. Delay: A delay effect repeats a sound like an echo.

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What is the difference between compression and limiting?

Essentially, a compressor compresses the dynamic (volume) range of the track. A limiter on the other hand limits the amount of a signal passing through. Both use a user dialed in volume output cap (known as the threshold) but instead of taking the volume overage and compressing it, a limiter just completely removes it.

How do I adjust my vocal compressor?

Here are my go-to compression settings for vocals:

  1. Ratio: 1.5:1.
  2. Attack Time: 15ms (but up to 30ms for more punch)
  3. Release Time: 40ms.
  4. Threshold: -24dB.
  5. Gain Reduction: 2-3dB.
  6. Knee: Soft.
  7. Makeup Gain: 2dB.

What is the compression ratio of a compressor?

The Compression Ratio of a compressor is the ratio between the discharge and suction pressures.

Is GarageBand compressor good?

It may not be the most glamorous, flashy or exciting effect in Garageband’s AU plug-in arsenal, but rest assured – the built in compressor is one of the most useful available to you.

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What goes first compressor or limiter?

As you rightly point out, low thresholds and low ratios are the order of the day for mix compression, though different people will suggest different tools for the job. However, whether you’re using a multi-band or single-band compressor, it should be followed by a peak limiter to stop clipping.

How do I set my compressor as a limiter?

The main reason to use a compressor as a limiter is to control excessive peaks. To do this, you need to set the threshold fairly high and use a high ratio in the vicinity of 10:1. Setting the threshold fairly high means that the signal will not kick the compression into action, most of the time.

What is the compressor ratio in GarageBand?

Garageband’s compressor ratio has three numbers, so the settings look more like “5:1:1.” The middle number is for people who want to adjust the compression by 0.1 instead of entire numbers, ie, 4:1 to 5:1 versus 4:1:1 to 4:5:1. The threshold is how loud the signal has to be for the compression to start.

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How to turn on compression in GarageBand?

You can find it in the plug-ins drop down menu within Garageband’s Smart Controls window. The threshold controls the point at which the compression kicks in. When you click on the up/down arrows or adjust the slider a decibel (db) level is displayed.

What is the best threshold for audio compression?

To compress more of the signal, a smaller number is better, so -20 or even -40. It’s fairly intuitive when you think about it. If the threshold is set to -40dB, much of the track’s signal will be compressed. The lower the signal, the closer the threshold is to the center of the audio signal.

What does GR stand for on a compressor?

Gain Reduction (GR, tweaked by Threshold and Ratio) for your Wave shaping, sound forming (tweaked by Attack and Release) for your Adding Harmonic Distortion (the character of the compressor) for your Without knowing or having the tracks in question, or what the intention or use of the compressor, I cannot tell if it was right or wrong.