
Why was America interested in Puerto Rico?

Why was America interested in Puerto Rico?

The strategic value of Puerto Rico for the United States at the end of the nineteenth century centered in economic and military interests. The island’s value to US policy makers was as an outlet for excess manufactured goods, as well as a key naval station in the Caribbean.

Do Puerto Ricans pay taxes?

Residents of Puerto Rico are required to pay most types of federal taxes. Specifically, residents of Puerto Rico pay customs taxes, Federal commodity taxes, and all payroll taxes (also known as FICA taxes, which include to (a) Social Security, (b) Medicare, and Unemployment taxes).

What is Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States?

In 1898, following the Spanish–American War, the United States acquired Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917, and can move freely between the island and the mainland.

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What do Puerto Ricans expect from the US government?

Puerto Ricans have given a lot and they expect to be treated with respect and with equality because they have acted as Americans, they have served as Americans. They have given as Americans, and they deserve that to equal treatment. What would have to happen for Puerto Rico to become a state?

Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?

Statehood would eliminate the legal inequalities that exist. Puerto Rico is not currently eligible for the food stamp program that exists for disaster victims in the United States because it is not an official state. Even though no one can explain why their presence is excluded from the program, this issue would disappear if granted statehood.

What is the primary debate over Puerto Rican statehood?

The primary debate over Puerto Rican statehood is about representation. Some proposals seek to give it representation without statehood, giving it its apportioned representatives in the House and two Senators like a state without officially adding it to the union.

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Why does Puerto Rico not have a state representative in Congress?

Because Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States and not a full state, it does not receive full electoral representation in Congress. There are no senators elected by the population. The only representative is considered a delegate with the title of Resident Commissioner.