
Why do we use upper case letters?

Why do we use upper case letters?

The terms “uppercase” and “lowercase” come from the way in which print shops were organized hundreds of years ago. Individual pieces of metal type were kept in boxes called cases. Capital letters, which were used less frequently, were kept in an upper case.

Why do people use upper and lower case in the same word?

It is meant to show that What they are writing is (jokingly) stupid. Or they are being extremely sarcastic while writing. for example if a friend is teasing them about liking someone (that they don’t like) the person might respond ““I lOvE ThEm sO mUCh” as a joking response.

Should you use uppercase for SQL?

When format SQL query, capitalization refers to the way in which SQL token should or should not be capitalized in your code. For example, some developers prefer to make all reserved keys uppercase, others prefer lowercase, and some mix and match. It’s all a matter of preference.

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What is the use of lowercase?

By convention, lowercase is generally used for the letters in all words except for the initial letter in proper nouns and in words that begin sentences.

Does upper and lower case matter in SQL?

The SQL language is defined as being case-insensitive.

Are table names case sensitive in SQL?

Table names are stored in lowercase on disk and name comparisons are not case-sensitive. MySQL converts all table names to lowercase on storage and lookup. This behavior also applies to database names and table aliases.

Which is the upper case letter?

Uppercase letters are capital letters—the bigger, taller versions of letters (like W), as opposed to the smaller versions, which are called lowercase letters (like w). Uppercase means the same thing as capital. We also use an uppercase letter for the first letter of the first word in a sentence.

What is the meaning of upper and lower case letters?

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Define uppercase letters: uppercase letters (also called capital letters) are those letters that signify the beginning of a sentence or a proper noun. Uppercase letters are used to begin sentences and are also used for proper nouns. Lowercase letters are all letters that do not begin sentences.

What is upper and lower case?

What is upper in SQL query?

UPPER() : This function in SQL Server helps to convert all the letters of the given string to Uppercase. If the given string contains special characters or numeric values, then they will remain unchanged by this function.

Is there any good reason to use uppercase letters in SQL?

There is no good reason to use uppercase letters, and good reasons not to. I personally loath using uppercase for SQL keywords. I find it harder to read and absurd in this day and age. The SQL language is defined as being case-insensitive.

What is the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters?

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Lowercase and uppercase letters were stored in separate type cases, hence the names. Usually the letters used more frequently (the lowercase) were kept closer (or lower) on a compositor’s (“person who sets the type or text for printing”) desk.

Why is it harder to read upper case than lower case?

Less than 10\% of the letters in the text we read are upper case. Hence our brains are more keen at recognizing lower case letters than upper case ones. Studies have shown it takes longer to read upper case text.

How do you write uppercase letters in a name?

You could have a business rule that uppercases the character to the right of the ‘ or that uppercases the chareter to the right of Mac or Mc (when these appear at the beginning of the name). It would also uppcase II, IV or III when they are at the end of a name.