Tips and tricks

Did Captain America end up with Natasha?

Did Captain America end up with Natasha?

In the Earth-10943 and Earth-555326 universes, after Earth’s Mightiest Heroes brought peace all over the world and were finally free to live normal lives, Steve and Natasha decided to live that life together as they fell in love with one another and had a son they named James Rogers.

Can Captain America Time travel?

But Captain America, at the end of “Endgame,” is clearly part of the current, and main, timeline, despite everything. If you’re still confused, simply remember this nugget of advice that Anthony Russo laid out at an appearance at a Smithsonian Institute event back in 2019 (via Time travel doesn’t exist.

What happens at the end of Avengers Endgame?

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The end of Avengers: Endgame has one final big time travel reveal. When Steve Rogers goes back in time to replace all the stones and, as the movie tells it, correcting every potential issue, instead of returning to the present, he uses the Pym particles to jump to the 1940s to be with Peggy.

How is time travel explained in Avengers Endgame?

There are two scenes in Avengers: Endgame where time travel is explained. First is Banner ahead of Hawkeye’s test mission.

Does Captain America return the Infinity Stones to the past?

Because Captain America would never do wrong, it’s safe to assume that when he travels back to the past, he does in fact return the Infinity Stones to their proper place within the timeline (which means he would have another confrontation with Red Skull which we would love to learn about one day).

How did Captain America get the scepter in the comics?

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Captain America gets the scepter after a tussle with his past self and Hulk the Time Stone (as well as knowledge of the timeline issues above) but Tony and Scott fail to secure the Tesseract, which Loki uses to teleport out; they instead go to 1970 to get it from Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, as well as more Pym Particles for the return journey.