Could Ultron have defeated Thanos?

Could Ultron have defeated Thanos?

From there, Ultron is shown to be much more of a threat with the Infinity Gauntlet than Thanos ever was. While Thanos was the more memorable villain in the MCU, this portrayal of a victorious Ultron reveals him to be far more powerful than the Mad Titan could have ever been.

Would Ultron team up with Thanos?

Thanos and Ultron would more than likely never team up. They have two different ideas that they want, and I think that that would destroy the partnership if it would ever happen.

How does Ultron cut Thanos in half?

Thanos just silently strolls out of a portal, looks at Ultron, and with five Infinity Stones in his Infinity Gauntlet , allows himself to get sliced in two by the Mind Stone.

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How powerful is Thanos compared to Ultron?

Ultron is extremely powerful but Thanos is pretty much next level. While he couldn’t pierce Ultron’s adamantium shell, he would eventually be able to figure out a way to hurt Ultron even though he is composed of the indestructible metal. Once that happened, Thanos would implement his plan and turn the mad android into scrap.

Why is Thanos so powerful without the gauntlet?

In fact, even without the Gauntlet, Thanos has been able to defeat all manner of cosmic beings and gods over the years. It’s not just because Thanos is massively powerful, either.

Is Ultron’s Legion of Ultrons too powerful?

Using their powerful weapons and incredible strength, they’ve proven their worth in battle against the Avengers. As dangerous as Ultron is on his own, an entire legion of Ultrons, even ones weaker than him, is nothing to scoff at. In the past, he’s used them to weaken his opponents and make his battles easier.

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How advanced is Ultron’s AI?

Ultron’s AI is one of the most advanced ever created on the face of the Earth. Over the years, Ultron’s AI has gotten more intelligent and dangerous, as shown by his ability to conquer the entirety of the Phalanx with just his mind. Given enough time, Ultron can figure out a way to defeat just about anyone.