Tips and tricks

What does Japan think of the US military?

What does Japan think of the US military?

It’s telling that while more than 70\% of the Japanese population in general say they support the presence of the U.S. miltary, more than 70\% of Okinawans say the opposite. The major point of contention at this time is the Futenma base.

What did American soldiers call Japanese soldiers in ww2?

What did American soldiers call the Japanese? From what I have read and seen I’m movies from the period, American soldiers usually referred to the Japanese as the “Japs”.

What did Japanese American soldiers do in WW2?

Japanese-American Soldiers in World War II. While their families were interned in camps at home, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Infantry Regiment, both composed mainly of Nisei — American born children of Japanese immigrants — fought for the allies in the Western Front of World War II.

What happened to American prisoners of war held by Japan?

About 35 percent of American prisoners of war held by Japan perished compared to 0.9 percent of Americans captured by Germany. Japanese civilian prisoners guarded by a Chinese soldier, Burma 1945. National Archives photo. Americans encountered for the first time a large population of Japanese civilians on Saipan in June 1944.

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How bad was the Japanese surrender in WW2?

The dire implication of this was no surprise to Americans. From 1942 Americans learned that Japanese servicemen regarded surrender as unthinkable. Virtually every Japanese unit fought near to annihilation—a record unparalleled in modern history. Voluntary surrenders were rare.

Why didn’t the US Marines take many Japanese prisoners in WWII?

My dad explained that U.S. Marines didn’t take many Japanese prisoners. The reasons why are several and begin with the fact that the Japanese typically fought to the death. Also, in the “Fire and Maneuver” method of fighting, the quick hitting, fast moving Marine combat units were always on the move.