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Can a marriage between female engineer and a male doctor be successful?

Can a marriage between female engineer and a male doctor be successful?

Ofcourse.. It can be successful. Mostly doctors search for a doctor as a life partner and engineers search for engineers because they can understand each others problems professionally and personally too. In cases where a doctor is married to a an engineer are rare but it can be successful.

Can an engineer marry a teacher?

Female civil engineers are most likely to marry female hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists. Male civil engineers are most likely to marry female or male elementary- and middle-school teachers.

Why is it important for women to be involved in engineering?

As more women take on prominent roles in the industry, it helps to shape the environment of the workplace to be more welcoming to other female engineers. As women make advances in the field of engineering, now is the time to consider furthering your own career.

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Are women engineers still the minority in the industry?

According to an article in the Society of Women Engineers Magazine, peer relationships are also critical for maintaining entry-level female employees and helping them to succeed. While female engineers may still be the minority in the field, there are many women who have become very successful in the industry.

Is a master’s degree in engineering worth it for women?

As women make advances in the field of engineering, now is the time to consider furthering your own career. There is high demand for engineering professionals in a number of industries, and salary expectations are promising. One way to set yourself apart in a competitive field is through earning a master’s degree.

Do female CEOs marry other female CEOs?

High-earning women ( doctors , lawyers) tend to pair up with their economic equals, while middle- and lower-tier women often marry up. In other words, female CEOs tend to marry other CEOs; male CEOs are OK marrying their secretaries .