Can two people with different values be in a relationship?

Can two people with different values be in a relationship?

It depends on how many differing values you have. But that needs to be qualified a little more because even just one or two differences might still be enough to derail a relationship if they are in areas where the values are held very strongly by one or both people.

Can 2 different people marry?

Now, it’s illegal for a Hindu to marry more than one person or keeping two spouses at the same time. In the present scenario if someone asks you – is polygamy legal in Hinduism – the answer is NO. A Hindu person cannot marry more than one person legally. He/she cannot keep more than one spouse at the same time.

What do happily married couples have in common?

They share power and control and are a partnership between equals. They meet one another’s needs for security, support, affection and love. Partners feel safe and sheltered – mind, body and spirit. They both take responsibility for their part in problems and solutions: no blaming, avoiding or stonewalling.

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Can people with different beliefs date?

When it comes to religion and choosing a partner, it’s easy and probably most convenient to go by the rules that your church, family, or those closest to you have set. It’s possible to love someone of a different faith and be dedicated to your religion, too.

What makes a relationship to last longer?

“To make it work, couples need the maturity to realize a long-lasting relationship will entail sacrifice, commitment and hard work, but that the payoff of a deeper love and stable, loving home life is well worth the effort.” Here are suggestions on how to strengthen the connection with your partner.

What do long-lasting marriages have in common?

While no two marriages are the same, research shows that all happy, long-lasting marriages share the same five basic traits: communication, commitment, kindness, acceptance, and love.
