
What to do after buying a succulent?

What to do after buying a succulent?

Make sure you repot your succulent after you purchase it with soil and potting mix that is nourishing for your succulent. You don’t want to wait too long before you repot it, I would safely say no more than 2 weeks. (1 week to be certain).

Should I water my succulent after buying?

Placed the plant carefully into the new pot and pack the soil around it tightly. I refrained from watering this plant since it was so wet until a week later to let it dry out first.

How do you keep a potted succulent alive?

While succulents may not require a lot of attention, they do need a few basics to keep them thriving:

  1. Give enough sunlight. Succulents need enough light—at least six hours of full sun per day.
  2. Water properly.
  3. Use the right pot and soil mix.
  4. Don’t forget to fertilize.
  5. Inspect your plants.
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How do you care for a succulent for dummies?

Get into a regular watering schedule to help plants thrive. Water succulents when the top inch of soil feels dry by pour water into the pot until it flows through the drainage hole. Remove all excess water. Soak up the sun – Most succulents love light.

Should you repot newly bought plants?

And if you’ve ever wondered whether you should repot a new plant, the answer is yes. Step one in caring for your new plant is freeing the roots from the tight grow pot and getting it settled into a roomy new planter.

Do succulents need direct sun?

Succulents love direct sun, but if yours is sitting in the same exact spot day after day, it’s likely that only one side is getting enough light. Succulents will lean towards the sun, so rotating them will help them stand up straight. (Leaning may also be a sign that they need to be in a sunnier spot.)

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Can succulents be kept indoors?

Because of their special ability to retain water, succulents tend to thrive in warm, dry climates and don’t mind a little neglect. This makes them well adapted to indoor growing and ideal for people desiring low-maintenance houseplants.

Where do you put succulents?

Place the potted succulent in a sunny location. Most succulents prefer at least 6 hours of sun per day, so try to place them near a south- or east-facing window. You may notice your succulents becoming spindly or stretching toward the light if they don’t get enough sun.