
Can recruiters ask for proof of salary?

Can recruiters ask for proof of salary?

California’s ban prohibits private and public employers from seeking a candidate’s pay history. Even if an employer already has that information or an applicant volunteers it, it still can’t be used in determining a new hire’s pay.

Is it legal to ask for compensation history?

California: Under California’s salary history ban, employers are prohibited from seeking an applicant’s salary information or relying on it to determine whether to offer employment or what salary to offer an applicant. …

Do you have to tell recruiter your current salary?

“Don’t offer salary history in an initial written application. “At this point, instead of telling the employer your current or past salary, ask what range they expect to pay for the position. You could also offer to provide your desired salary range.” This response doesn’t always work favourably though.

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In what states is it illegal to ask for salary history?

Here are the states with state-wide salary history bans: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania (state agencies only), Vermont, Virginia and Washington.

Does a recruiter make the final decision on a job offer?

However, even before an offer is made, recruiter or an human resources staff member can do a number of things to ensure your company is making a wise hiring decision. The hiring manager is the one who has the final say in making the job offer, but recruiters or HR staff might have a different perspective about the candidate.

Do recruiters ever say they don’t value you?

“Very few (if any) recruiters will be so bold as to say ‘we took advantage of you and we don’t value you highly,’” says Molad. In fact, there is often a salary band or range that recruiters have for each role.

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Should you ask a candidate’s salary history when hiring?

Many argue that because of the pay gap between men and women, especially women of color, the practice of asking a candidate’s salary history is harmful. In announcing the law, Chair and Commissioner of the NYC Commission on Human Rights Carmelyn P. Malalis said in a statement:

Can a recruiter tell if you have doubts about a reference?

If a recruiter or hiring manager had doubts about you, they won’t let you know if unflattering references just confirmed their doubts, Molad says. “Your references should talk about your strengths in specific situations — not just basic information,” adds HR expert Jordan Perez.