
Why can Senju awaken Rinnegan?

Why can Senju awaken Rinnegan?

If a Senju or Uzumaki were to inherit the Rinnegan they’d have to have Asura’s Chakra and steal an Uchiha’s eyes with Indras Chakra to gain Rinnegan. So sasuke only got rinnegan because of Indra’s chakra in his eyes reacting to six paths chakra from hagoromo.

Can a non Uchiha awaken Rinnegan?

No. Both Indra and Asura chakra is required to awaken the Rinnegan. Only an Uchiha who is Indra’s reincarnation can awaken the Rinnegan, and that is only if he is given Asura’s chakra. Basically only people like Madara and Sasuke and other Indra reincarnations can awaken the Rinnegan.

Was Madara the only one to awaken Rinnegan?

Senju and Uchiha DNA does not allow one to awaken the Rinnegan. Only Hagoromo Ootsutsuki’s chakra can awaken the Rinnegan, and his chakra can only be replicated by the combination of Indra’s and Ashura’s chakra specifically. Madara was able to awaken the Rinnegan because he was Indra’s transmigrant.

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Can the Rinnegan evolve?

Yes the Rinnegan is an evolution of the Sharingan with the presence of six paths chakra. Yes the Rinnegan is an evolution of the Sharingan with the presence of six paths chakra.

Why was Danzo not able to awaken the Rinnegan?

Danzo was not able to awaken the rinnegan because he had senju DNA and Uchiha eyes but had neither enough chakra to effectively utilize either ability (hashirama’ s wood style or the sharingan in his arms).

Can a Senju with Uchiha eyes awaken the Rinnegan?

To awaken the Rinnegan, it’s not enough to be a Senju with Uchiha eyes or vice versa, you must be Indra’s successor that obtained chakra from Asura’s successor. A successor does not necessarily come directly from the Senju clan, as Naruto, who is an Uzumaki, is a successor. However, Indra’s successor is always an Uchiha. So in short, no.

How do you awaken the Rinnegan?

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To awaken the Rinnegan, it’s not enough to be a Senju with Uchiha eyes or vice versa, you must be Indra’s successor that obtained chakra from Asura’s successor. A successor does not necessarily come directly from the Senju clan, as Naruto, who is an Uzumaki, is a successor. However, Indra’s successor is always an Uchiha.

What’s the difference between Madara and Danzo’s DNA?

Danzo’s DNA originates from experiments and body modifications. He wasn’t a “Natural”, while Madara had natural mastery over the Uchiha powers, and after being defeated by Hashirama, mastery over the Senju powers. It was also implied that you need to be very close to the end of your lifespan to awaken the Rinnegan.
