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Does Thanos mourn for gamora?

Does Thanos mourn for gamora?

Silently, Thanos turned around, revealing that he was crying. Gamora being sacrificed for the Soul Stone However, Red Skull saw his true intentions, informing Gamora that Thanos was, in fact, weeping for Gamora, as he truly loved her as a daughter, and was heartbroken that he had to sacrifice her to get the Soul Stone.

Why did Thanos not kill Eitri?

Thanos knows he may need Eitri’s skill set in the future, so he does not want him to him dead, but he also doesn’t want him to construct weapons for others. Thanos was betting on him being successful in his quest for the stones.

Who is the little girl at the end of Infinity War?

A younger version of Gamora is played by Ariana Greenblatt in Infinity War. When Gamora is a young child, she is met by Thanos who comes with his army to murder half the population of her homeworld. He adopts her and raises her to be an assassin.

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Is Thanos capable of killing?

This doesn’t mean, however, that Thanos wasn’t capable of killing. He had a few personal kills in the MCU including Loki and Heimdall. Later on, in Infinity War, he also murdered Gamora and Vision. However, most of these deaths were either provoked or in the service of Thanos’ goal.

Why didn’t Thanos kill Thor at the beginning of Infinity War?

So while he essentially killed half of life in the universe with the snap, he saw those deaths as necessary for the galaxy to thrive. This is ultimately the reason why he didn’t go out of his way to kill Thor (or any other character) at the beginning of Infinity War.

Is Thanos the father of the year?

As said earlier, Thanos was never a contender for Father of the Year and that fact is no more clearly represented than in his scenes with his other daughter, Nebula. More often than not whenever the two are sharing the screen together, Thanos is doing something horrible to his daughter.

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How did Thanos kill Loki in Avengers?

Given his rushed introduction, the filmmakers had to find an efficient way to establish him as a worthy opponent to the Avengers, which they achieved with the movie’s opening scene; in it, Thanos easily defeated Hulk in hand-to-hand combat and then killed Loki by choking him.