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Why was Julius Caesar so successful as a soldier?

Why was Julius Caesar so successful as a soldier?

Caesar was a capable soldier and he received the highest award for bravery in the Roman Republic because of his role in a siege in modern Turkey. This led him to be awarded another award for bravery. He became very prominent in Rome because of his lavish expenditure and oratory.

How was Julius Caesar a military genius?

Caesar showed his military genius in his battles with Ariovistus. Caesar’s largely untested legions, led by political appointments, proved strong enough and a 120,000-strong Suebi army was wiped out.

What was Julius Caesar’s greatest military achievement?

Julius Caesar’s most famous military achievement was his conquest of Gaul. He led Rome in their war against the native tribes of Gaul, who were feared by the Romans. The Gallic tribes were militarily as strong as the Romans with their cavalry being probably superior.

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How was Caesar as a military leader?

Perhaps Caesar’s most important quality was his boldness and speed in action. Contemporaries regarded this as the mark of a good leader. His key qualities were his decisiveness, a readiness to cast caution aside, and his excellent relationship with his troops.

What did Julius Caesar do that was good?

Julius Caesar was a renowned general, politician and scholar in ancient Rome who conquered the vast region of Gaul and helped initiate the end of the Roman Republic when he became dictator of the Roman Empire.

Did Julius Caesar fight in the army?

The military campaigns of Julius Caesar constituted both the Gallic War (58 BC–51 BC) and Caesar’s civil war (49 BC–45 BC). The Gallic War mainly took place in what is now France. In 55 and 54 BC, he invaded Britain, although he made little headway.

What was the First Battle of Julius Caesar’s military career?

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Bibracte was the first great battle of Caesar’s military career. Caesar sent away his horse – a signal to his troops that he would stand with them. Then, rather than use the high ground for a defensive stand, he moved forward against the Helvetii.

Who was Julius Caesar’s father?

Caesar’s father, also named Gaius Julius Caesar, had served Rome as the city’s praetor (military or civilian commander) and as proconsul (governor) to Asia, while his mother, Aurelia Cotta, came from an influential Roman family. From 82 to 80 B.C., Lucius Cornelius Sulla made himself dictator of Rome and purged the city of his political enemies.

Was Caesar a good or a bad leader?

Caesar was, overall, a good leader who expanded Rome’s power and prestige while taking care of the needs of the average person (within the context of what was possible in the ancient world). Unfortunately, however, his dictatorship set the model for the hereditary emperors who would later assume power, often displaying stunningly poor leadership.

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What was Caesar’s leadership style?

Caesar’s leadership style was to lead from the front. A good example of how much he was admired and respected The fact that he was so admired and respected is that he was able to get his army to march on Rome, which was illegal. It horrified the senators in power, especially Pompey.