
How do you find the volume of a solid torus?

How do you find the volume of a solid torus?

If the radius of its circular cross section is r , and the radius of the circle traced by the center of the cross sections is R , then the volume of the torus is V=2π2r2R .

What is the calculation for the volume of a cylinder?

The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V=Bh or V=πr2h . The radius of the cylinder is 8 cm and the height is 15 cm. Substitute 8 for r and 15 for h in the formula V=πr2h . Simplify.

What is the surface area of a torus?

The surface area of a torus is calculated by multiplying the circumference of the cross-section by the circumference of the ring. Volume = 2 × π × rc × 2 × π × R.

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How do you find the volume of a diagonal cylinder?

What’s the radius of a cylinder formula?

  1. Volume of a cylinder: V = π * r² * h ,
  2. Base surface area of a cylinder: A_b = 2 * π * r² ,
  3. Lateral surface area of a cylinder: A_l = 2 * π * r * h ,
  4. Total surface area of a cylinder: A = A_b + A_l ,
  5. Longest diagonal of a cylinder: d² = 4 * r² + h² ,

How do you calculate the volume of a ring?

Starts here2:39Find the volume of a ring | Geometry | 7th grade | Khan Academy – YouTubeYouTube

How do you find the volume of a cylinder without the height?

Starts here3:52How to find the volume of a cylinder when not given the height – YouTubeYouTube

How do you find the equation of a torus?

Polyhedra with the topological type of a torus are called toroidal polyhedra, and have Euler characteristic V − E + F = 0. For any number of holes, the formula generalizes to V − E + F = 2 − 2N, where N is the number of holes.

How do you find the radius of a torus?

Starts here2:24Torus Volume and Surface Area – YouTubeYouTube

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How do you find the volume of a cylinder without a radius?

Starts here6:41Calculate the Radius of a Cylinder When Given Its Volume and HeightYouTube

What is the the formula for volume?

Perimeter, Area, and Volume

Table 3. Volume Formulas
Shape Formula Variables
Cube V=s3 s is the length of the side.
Right Rectangular Prism V=LWH L is the length, W is the width and H is the height.
Prism or Cylinder V=Ah A is the area of the base, h is the height.