
Who started Polandball?

Who started Polandball?

Polandball: The Animated Series is an Internet animated series based on the Polandball meme created by Paul Hunter. The first series is mainly concentrated on the United Kingdom and the United States. Since the 11th episode, some of the starred countryballs may have hands, more likely if they are real-world people.

What is the origin of Polandball?

On Drawball.com, a website which allows users to draw on a huge circular canvas, a group of Polish Internet users somehow coordinated their efforts to take over the ball. It required massive participation as one single user has a very limited amount of virtual ink.

How did Countryballs start?

Countryballs has its roots on drawball.com, a website that allowed Internet users to draw whatever they want on a circular canvas called a ‘drawball.’ At one point in August 2008, thousands of Polish netizens managed to take over the entire drawball with an illustration of the Polish flag.

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How old is Polandball?

The balls interact in broken English, (except for those countries who have English as their main language) and ridicule national stereotypes and international relations. Polandball has its roots in an August 2009 ‘cyberwar’ between Polish Internet users and the rest of the world on drawball.com.

Who is Reichtangle?

Reichtangle, also known as Fourth Reichtangle, or sometimes as German Empiretangle,is the main antagonist of Polandball web comics and cartoons. It usually represents the future/fourth dimension version of Germanyball, but is sometimes mistaken for German Empire (or represents them both).

Why is Kazakhstan a square in Polandball?

Kazakhstan’s flag was notably wider than other flags and its design can’t fit into a round shape. The admins then decided to simply preserve Kazakhstan as its rectangular form, adopting the term “Kazakhbrick” to refer to it.

Where did the Polandball meme come from?

The beginning of the Polandball meme is credited to Falco, a British user on /int/, who in September 2009 created the meme using MS Paint in an apolitical way to troll Wojak, a Pole on the same board who contributes in broken English, after which Polandball cartoons were enthusiastically drawn by Russians.

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What is the meaning of Polandball?

The character of Poland, represented as a ball coloured like an upside-down Polish flag Polandball, commonly known as Countryballs, is an art style occasionally used in online comics, in which countries are typically personified as spherical characters decorated with their country’s flag.

What is a Polandball comic?

One of the earliest Polandball comics begins with the premise that Earth is going to be struck by a giant meteor, leading to all countries with space technology leaving Earth and going into orbit around the planet.

Can Polandball go to space?

It is the countryball which the comic genre is named after, he is the main protagonist in the Polandball Universe, and he cannot into space. Polandball is deemed the un holy-most countryball ever to exist.