
Can Magneto create wormholes?

Can Magneto create wormholes?

Thanks to his mutation, Magneto’s deep understanding of electromagnetic and fundamental forces has allowed him to create stable, traversable wormholes.

Does Magneto control gravity?

GRAVITY MANIPULATION Aside from making himself able to effectively fly, Magneto can manipulate the forces of gravity and magnetism for other objects and people. By creating a localized electromagnetic field with reversed polarity from the Earth’s he can levitate massive objects and even other powerful mutants.

Can Magneto create force fields?

Magneto’s powers extend further than hanging spoons and forks on his body; he can generate and manipulate magnetic fields. His powers allow him to control metal, levitate himself and others, create force fields, use telepathic mind control, and generate electromagnetic pulses, among other abilities.

Can Magneto control matter?

Magneto can control matter on the sub atomic level. Magneto can manipulate electrons as they have an electrical charge and the electromagnetic force holds atoms and molecules together. So in reality, Magneto can telekinetically manipulate anything because the electromagnetic force is present in all matter.

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How does a black hole generate a magnetic field?

The magnetism results from the hot gas circling the black hole. As the charged gas particles rotate, they strengthen the magnetic field. “[The field] is strong because it can resist being dragged along with the gas as it rotates around the black hole.”

Do black holes have magnetic field?

Astronomers have found that the magnetic field strengths near supermassive black holes can be as strong as their intense gravitational fields. In fact, these magnetic fields are able to expel material from the vicinity of the black hole to form highly energetic outflows called ‘jets’.

Can Magneto create electricity?

Electrokinesis: Magneto is capable of generating and projecting powerful bolts of electricity, due to his manipulation over the electromagnetic spectrum. He is capable of absorbing bolts of lightning and projecting an electric aura around himself.

Can Magneto Control Thor’s hammer?

CAN MAGNETO LIFT THOR’S HAMMER? Yes,magneto can control magnetic fields not metals. So Marvel had revealed that Magneto can lift Thor’s hammer.

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Why can’t Magneto control gravity?

First: Magneto can’t even control electricity, the other half of electromagnetism. Technically, he ought to be able to; but you never see him do so. In practice, his power is a limited form of telekinesis that only works on certain metals. Second: gravity is not a magnetic field.

What would happen if you could manipulate gravity?

The most powerful users of gravity manipulation would be able to control the space-time continuum, warping reality, manipulating time and space. Some would be able to move entire planets, stars, or galaxies with their power.

What powers does Magneto have?

Answer Wiki. Magneto can effect magnetic fields and has bolstered and altered at different times Earth own Magnetic Field. He can also control electricity, lightning, and even the human brain.

How does gravity affect the ability to attract/repel?

The power may be centered around the user at all times, in which case the user can attract/repel relative to/from only their current location. Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces, so this power may lose out against manipulations of the other forces. User may also be affected.