
Who is the most irrelevant Marvel character?

Who is the most irrelevant Marvel character?

10 Most Useless Superheroes In The Marvel Universe

  • 8) The Thunderer.
  • 7) Cypher.
  • 6) Maggot.
  • 5) The Phone Ranger.
  • 4) Ulysses Solomon Archer (U.S. 1)
  • 3) Hindsight Lad.
  • 2) Almighty Dollar. J.
  • 1) Jazz. This character is a huge disappointment, he has no abilities, no superpowers, he’s just blue.

Which Marvel character never lost a fight?

There are plenty of beings out there who Galactus has never beaten. Galactus has learned the hard way that power doesn’t always equate to a win.

What is the weakest DC?

—abilities, Color Kid is TRULY the weakest DC Comics hero….These are the 15 Dumbest Superhero Origins, Ranked.

  • 8 Shanna The She-Devil.
  • 7 Squirrel Girl.
  • 6 Defensor.
  • 5 Firebrand.
  • 4 Doctor Droom.
  • 3 Wally West / Kid Flash.
  • 2 Jay Garrick.
  • 1 Badger.
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What is the post-credits scene in Captain Marvel about?

Ryan Fleck revealed in an interview with Empire that an idea for the post-credits scene of Captain Marvel involved Yon-Rogg ‘s ship traveling through the Devil’s Anus and landing on Sakaar, seemingly setting him up to be forced to compete in the Grandmaster ‘s Contest of Champions. The first post-credits scene in…

Does Avengers Endgame have a post-credits scene?

Avengers: Endgame is the first film not to have a post-credits scene, though a few weeks after its initial theatrical release, a trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home was added at the end of the credits.

What do the clips from Marvel movies Mean?

The clips usually foreshadow future films, resolve a plotline from the film, or provide comic relief. Tony Stark enters his mansion only to be greeted by Nick Fury, who assures him that “Iron Man” isn’t the only superhero in the world before bringing up the Avengers Initiative .

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Is Erik Selvig being controlled by Loki in the Avengers?

Foreshadowing The Avengers, Nick Fury welcomes Erik Selvig to a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility and, after showing him the Tesseract, asks him to investigate the object further. Selvig agrees, unaware that his mind is being controlled by Loki.