
Why did Palpatine fear mother Talzin?

Why did Palpatine fear mother Talzin?

Even Palpatine was scared of Mother Talzin in Clone Wars. Unable to infiltrate her home world, Palps wasn’t confident an entire army of droids was enough to kill her. So long as she remained on her home planet of Dathomir, Mother Talzin was unstoppable. So, it’s understandable that Palpatine saw her as a threat.

Did Anakin and Mace Windu hate each other?

Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker were two Jedi always at odds with each other. From the moment they met in The Phantom Menace, they viewed each other with suspicion, distrust, and skepticism. Mace Windu had no interest in training Anakin when he first arrived, and regarded him with distrust through his entire career.

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Did Mace Windu use the dark side against Palpatine?

Yes he does enjoy the fight and is more aggressive with the form, but at no point does he actually use the dark side. The thing about Vapaad is that Mace uses himself as a conduit to redirect his opponent’s dark side power back at them.

Did Mace Windu crushes grievous?

Mace Windu using Force Crush on Grievous. Grievous turns to face him, igniting four lightsabers, but Windu uses the Force to crush the chest plates protecting the General’s organs.

Can Talzin beat Sidious?

Talzin takes control of Count Dooku’s body to attack his Sith Master. However her magicks proved to be powerful enough, at least while on Dathomir, to challenge Sidious’s dark side powers, and it took the intervention of both Dooku and Grievous to overcome her.

Who crushed grevious?

Mace Windu
Grievous appeared in the micro-series Star Wars: Clone Wars before many of his personality traits had been finalized. To reconcile the differences between the two presentations, Mace Windu uses the Force to crush Grievous’s chest panel towards the end of the show’s third season.

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How did Anakin feel about Mace Windu?

Mace Windu had no interest in training Anakin when he first arrived, and regarded him with distrust through his entire career. Anakin respected Windu’s power, but his trust in the Jedi was slowly shaken, in part due to Palpatine’s machinations.

Would Mace Windu have been a good leader?

However, this all assumes that Mace Windu would have actually been a good leader. A recent fan theory posted by ImpulsiveBeetle on the r/FanTheories subreddit proposes that whoever won that fight would’ve become a galactic conqueror and that Mace Windu could’ve been as tyrannical as Palpatine.

Why is Mace Windu more dangerous than Palpatine?

Arguably, this makes Windu even MORE dangerous than Palpatine, because Windu is willing to defy law and order out of irrational anger rather than calculated power-lust. It is undeniable that Mace Windu wanted to take control of the Senate after the Clone Wars.

Who was Mace Windu in the original Star Wars?

Character conception and overview. Several early incarnations of the character who would become Mace Windu were developed in the original Star Wars drafts as the narrator, Princess Leia’s brother and Luke Skywalker’s friend.