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Is shambhavi mahamudra a meditation?

Is shambhavi mahamudra a meditation?

Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya is a protocol within the Isha Yoga lineage that includes both pranyanama and meditation-based techniques. A kriya is a yogic action, or inner technique, such as breath control.

How can I get initiated to shambhavi Mahamudra?

The day would start with a outdoor sports activity. And in the afternoon the initiation would be done after guru pooja and doing the whole set o f asanas. The last stage of meditation would be much longer than normal. There would be audio voice of Sadhguru in the background whispering some chant/mantra.

What is the first step in Shambhavi Mahamudra?

While doing Shambhavi Mahamudra, the First Step is “Yogasana” (certain Yoga Poses). Second Step in Shambhavi Mahamudra is “Pranayama” (certain Breathing Exercises). Third and Last Step in Shambhavi Mahamudra is “Meditation”.

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What is Shambhavi mudra in Hinduism?

Shambhavi mudra is mentioned within the Hinduism text Gheranda Vedic and Buddhism literatures. It basically involves gazing between the eyebrows at center. Shambhavi Mahamudra is the powerful Kriya and energy purifying technique using the breath. This practice aligns your entire system like the Physical, Mental and Pranic body.

What is the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya / eye gazing mudra?

The Shambhavi mahamudra kriya, Shambhavi Mura, or “Eyebrow Gazing Mudra” is a powerful way to open your third eye / ajna chakra. It is a method mentioned in Amnaska Yoga, in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika (chapter 4), Gheranda Samhita (chapter 3), and Shiva Samhita (Sanskrit text on yoga).

How to increase receptivity of Shambhavi mudra?

Here are some guidelines, that will help you to prepare and increase receptivity of Shambhavi Mudra. Make sure, your mobile phones are in silent mode or switched off. If you wear glasses or contact lens, while doing the Yoga or Meditation, Please remove them and keep them aside.

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