Why didnt Dumbledore just cut off his hand?

Why didnt Dumbledore just cut off his hand?

Since the curse spread from a ring which Dumbledore put on a finger, the curse was strongest on his hand which started to rot first. So even if Dumbledore cut off his hand, the curse would simply manifest itself on a different part of his body.

Can Fawkes heal Dumbledore’s hand?

Phoenix tears are not a cure all. They are a powerful healing agent for wounded flesh, poison, physical damage and disease. But Dumbledore’s hand was not affected by any of these, it was affected by a powerful magical curse that was slowly and steadily spreading. Phoenix tears are not a counter spell.

Which movie did Dumbledore destroy the ring?

Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring. -> Destroyed by Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Does Dumbledore destroy the ring in the movie?

The ring itself was a horcrux, and Dumbledore destroyed it. The stone that was in the ring was passed on to Harry in the Snitch that Dumbledore gave him. Harry only had access to the stone when he was ready to accept his own death, and he used it to bring his loved ones back, but only in a “ghost-like” form.

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Why didn’t Dumbledore and Snape think about amputation in the books?

Dumbledore and Snape didn’t think of it. We’ve been amputating for centuries because wounds that can’t be healed fester, necrotize and spread. However, the vast majority of wounds in the wizarding world are easy to heal and this is the only curse in the books that spreads this way.

Why did Dumbledore’s hand turn red and wither?

The withering of Dumbledore’s hand had only been the visible manifestation of the “curse-toxins.” Like the spider-venom counterpart, as well, a major quantity of “curse-toxins” had already proceeded up the arm, and were circulating throughout Dumbledore’s body.

Could he have shed the curse by cutting off his hand?

It is about whether he could have shed the curse by cutting off his hand. It is possible that the visible effects of the curse manifest differently than the systemic effects– as an example, consider the progression of the effects of the bite of a “Brown Recluse” spider: A spot of necrotic flesh progresses outward from the site of the bite.

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How did Voldemort get destroyed?

Between them, they had continually conducted Voldemort’s actions, almost from the very beginning, even having discovering Voldemort’s creation of an “Inadvertent Horcrux.” They had done this even from beyond their graves, and their machinations had ultimately led to the destruction of Voldemort at the hands of the same “Inadvertent Horcrux.”