Which is correct care of or for?

Which is correct care of or for?

“Care about” means it matters to you; “care for” means you take care of it.

What is the difference between care for and take care of?

If you care for someone, you provide the things they need and are responsible for their health. It is used mainly to talk about children, old people, and sick people. She had to give up her job to care for her elderly mother. If you take care of a person or animal, you provide for their needs.

What does take care of you mean?

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take care of (someone or something) 1. To look after, assume responsibility for, or care for someone or something. My mother started working weekends, so I have to stay home and take care of my siblings. I’ve asked Dave to take care of the Jefferson accounts while I’m gone.

How do I say I care for someone?

What to say to show someone you care?

  1. Thank you.
  2. When you did/said ____ it meant a lot to me.
  3. I value your love/friendship.
  4. You are important to me.
  5. I enjoy our talks.
  6. I feel like I can tell you anything.
  7. You are amazing.
  8. I admire your skill at ____.

Why do we say take care?

Usually if a person will tell you to “take care” during goodbye it only means that the person do really care for you and he/she is concern about you that is why he/she is telling you those words.

Is always take care correct?

Always take care vs Always takes care. A complete search of the internet has found these results: Always take care is the most popular phrase on the web.

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What does it mean to take care of something?

Definition of take care of 1 : to attend to or provide for the needs, operation, or treatment of (someone or something) He is home taking care of a sick child.

How do you say to take care of someone?

10 other ways to say “take care”

  1. 01“See you around!” This is good to use with strangers, but you may also use it with a friend.
  2. 02“Don’t be a stranger!”
  3. 03“Go home and put your feet up.”
  4. 04“Stay out of trouble mister/miss!”
  5. 05“Have a great rest of the week!”
  6. 06“All the best!”
  7. 07“Get home in one piece.”
  8. 08“Be/Get well!”

Is it take care of yourself or take you care?

The correct for, is “Take care of yourself” since the subject is now explicit. “You take care” is an imperative (order-instruction) that can gain tremendous (and socially awkward) force through inflection. Colloquially, “take you care” is an expression I have most-often heard used in the ‘middle US’ states.

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What does it mean to care about something?

Care as a verb To care is to take an interest in something, to feel concerned about something or to have feelings about something. We don’t care what happens. The verb care is most common in questions and negative sentences.

What is the plural of take care of?

As a noun care means worry or anxiety. It has a plural form – cares. He doesn’t have many cares. The care of my children is my first priority. Take care of means ‘look after’. She doesn’t take good care of her children.

Can you say “Take you Care” in any context?

“Sit down”, “Pass the salt”, “Bring a friend”, etc., you do not include an explicit subject except in rare cases where it is needed for clarity or emphasis. The simple answer is “No” you cannot say “Take you care” in any context.