
Why do people get mad when they hurt your feelings?

Why do people get mad when they hurt your feelings?

People change their feelings of pain into anger because it feels better to be angry than it does to be in pain. This changing of pain into anger may be done consciously or unconsciously. Being angry rather than simply in pain has a number of advantages, primarily among them distraction.

Can you justify hurting someone?

Justifying one’s behavior can be a defense mechanism for dealing with their actions or how their actions impacted and hurt other people. Sometimes there is a lot of pain and hurt to work through and understand before people can start to see how their actions impact others.

Is it ever true that you always get hurt by others?

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It can never be true. The Reason We Get Hurt: The reason we automatically feel hurt is this: We believethe other?s voice to be the truth about who we are. Their idea of us and way of treating us supersedes our own beliefs about ourself. When this happens, our hearts lay wide open to receive the unconsciousness of others.

Is it normal to feel more responsibility when someone hurts you?

When someone hurts your feelings, it’s normal to think one person holds more responsibility than the other person. But, many times, the person who has been hurt can learn to express things in a more assertive way.

Why do we feel the pain that others inflict on US?

Their idea of us and way of treating us supersedes our own beliefs about ourself. When this happens, our hearts lay wide open to receive the unconsciousness of others. It is because webelievein what the other is saying – as if it were the truth – that we feel the pain that goes with it.

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What to do when you feel that you have been wronged?

Often we feel that we have been wronged, and expect the other person to make an apology, especially when we made the gestures. The person may be incredibly contrite and apologize profusely, or may double-down and also tell you other negative things as well. 5. Decide what’s best for you.