
Is west facing house good or bad?

Is west facing house good or bad?

In general, the west side is good to place your bedroom, entrance, living room, pooja room, dining room, study, entertainment room, foyer, library, children’s bedroom, and staircase. The west direction is not suited for a water body, bathroom, girls bedroom, and a guest room.

Which facing is not good for house?

Most homebuyers prefer East-facing houses as that direction is associated with good luck and prosperity. South-facing homes are generally considered inauspicious and get the bad rap many times due to the belief that Lord Yama, the God of Death, lives in the dakshina or South direction.

Is west facing house good for rent?

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The direction of the main entrance as per Vastu, is the most important aspect, while taking a rental home. The best entry is north-east, followed by north-west, east. North and west-facing homes are also considered good. Avoid homes with south, south-east and south-west entries.

Is west Entrance good as per Vastu?

It’s a common myth that west-facing homes are not as auspicious as north and east-facing homes. However, according to Vastu Shastra, all homes are considered equally auspicious, and there is no such thing that west-facing homes are not as good as north or east-facing homes.

Does west-facing house get sun?

With a west-facing home, the sun will rise in your backyard, and set in the front. For an east-facing home, the opposite is true. Placement on the homesite can also be important for energy conservation and comfort.

What is a west-facing home?

If the main entrance in your home or flat faces the west, it is considered a west-facing home. Usually, west-facing homes are not considered auspicious but Vastu experts maintain otherwise.

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Are west facing houses bad as per vastu?

More on North and East oriented home vastu @ North Face Home Vastu & East Face Home Vastu The reason for a West facing home to become third choice for many people is the belief – or rather misbelief – that all West oriented houses are bad as per vastu.

What should you avoid when buying a west-facing house?

It’s highly recommended that you avoid purchasing a west-facing home that has extensions in the southwest. As mentioned above, it’s highly recommended that you locate the main door or the entrance in the 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th or 6 th pada on the west side for west-facing houses.

What are the pros and cons of a west-facing garden?

West-facing gardens are shady in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. The main benefits include warmer evenings and longer hours of light. The main drawbacks are gloomy mornings and plants subjected to too much sun in the garden.