Tips and tricks

Why does Thanos say I like you star Lord?

Why does Thanos say I like you star Lord?

Its because he had just demonstrated through shooting Gamora that he was willing to give up something he loved to serve a purpose. Also a foreshadowing of what is to happen next too.

Does Thanos like Starlord?

Because Starlord does what needs to be done – even if it destroys him. The scene where we hear Thanos say that he likes Quill was right after Star Lord tries and fails to shoot Gamora and fulfill his promise.

Is Star Lord related to Thanos?

Starkill. Lord Starkill debuted in Captain Marvel #126 in 2018. He is an evil version of Star-Lord from an alternate universe. He possesses the Reality Stone and is allied with Thanos.

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Why did Star Lords gun turn to bubbles?

Thanos used the Reality Stone to make him shoot bubbles instead of whatever he would’ve shot. That’s why later, when Gamora tries to stab herself with that small, double-bladed knife, it comes out as bubbles. There is no “bubble” setting on Quill’s gun. He did try to shoot Gamora.

Is that sadness I sense in you daughter?

“Is that sadness I sense in you, daughter?” 6. “Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering.”

Why did Thanos wake up in water?

Yet, in sacrificing the one thing that he cared most dearly about to further his goals, Thanos emerges from the waters a new man, with his renewed purpose of wiping out half of the universe.

Why did Peters gun shoot bubbles?

Including the scene where Peter decided to pull the trigger on Gamora when she is being kidnapped by Thanos. That doesn’t sound like Star-Lord, or at least, it didn’t to Gunn and Pratt.” So they changed it so that Thanos uses the reality warping abilities of the stone in order to have Peter’s gun shoot out bubbles.

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Was Star-Lord’s ‘Star Lord’ Freakout part of Thanos plan?

If you recall what Doctor Strange explained the Avengers about their only possible win at the war against Thanos, then maybe Star-Lord’s freakout was actually an essential part of the plan. In fact, it prevented things from getting even worse at the Mad Titan’s hands.

Could Star-Lord have beaten Thanos with a punch?

If Star-Lord’s imperfect attempt at knocking off Thanos with a punch would have had any impact in the grand scheme of things, then the Sorcerer Supreme would have surely obstructed him. Here’s what exactly the theory says… Doctor Strange saw all 14 000 605 outcomes of the battle and only foresaw one where the Avengers won.

Why did Star-Lord’s actions on Titan matter in Infinity War?

A new fan theory suggests multiple reasons why Star-Lord’s actions on Titan in Avengers: Infinity War were requisite. When we left the theaters after watching the Avengers: Infinity War , our ultimate reaction to the film’s end was ‘What the hell just happened’. We had high running emotions and were mad as hell at multiple things.

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What would happen if Thanos got the power stones from the Avengers?

This would probably cause more casualties in an endless cycle of villains attacking the locations of the stones and the Avengers having to stop them, resulting in the deaths of countless innocents on the sidelines. I mean, Thanos literally destroyed Xandar just to get the Power Stone. Imagine that but it happens over and over again.