
What technology was invented in the Middle Ages?

What technology was invented in the Middle Ages?

The period saw major technological advances, including the adoption of gunpowder, the invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, and greatly improved water mills, building techniques (Gothic architecture, medieval castles), and agriculture in general (three-field crop rotation).

What are the different inventions during the modern times?

Great modern inventions include electric motor, telephones, computers, plastic and aeroplanes.

  • The Electric Dynamo – 1831.
  • Computer – 1860s – Charles Babbage’s analytic engine is often seen as the forerunner of the modern computer.
  • Pasteurisation – 1864 Developed by Louis Pasteur.

What are 5 ages of technology?


  • The Paleolithic. Depending on who you ask, there are up to ten accepted technological ages in human history.
  • The Mesolithic. The end of the Paleolithic is defined by new changes in lifestyles as people first developed settled societies, based on farming.
  • The Neolithic.
  • The Chalcolithic.
  • The Bronze Age.
  • The Iron Age.
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What inventions were invented during the Middle Ages?

Paper Money as Currency. In 1023, the first government-issued paper money was printed in China. Paper money was an…

  • Movable Type Printing Press. Although Johannes Gutenberg is usually credited with inventing the first printing press…
  • Magnetic Compass. The magnetic compass was “rediscovered” in 1182 by the European world for…
  • Who made inventions in the Middle Ages?

    The crusaders experienced Eastern culture and lifestyle and brought back to Europe some inventions developed in this part of the world including silk, gunpowder, the compass and the astrolabe. Numerous nautical inventions in the Middle Ages were used for aids in exploration and enabled the voyages of the great explorers of the Renaissance period.

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    51 Responses. The most important inventions of all time are all related to four areas of concentration. First, transportation, Second, communication, Three, mechinization/power and Four, Medical 1 Wheel-wagon/ locomotive/ automobile/ airplane/ jets/ space tech/ 2 Printing Press/ US Mail-post office/ telegraph/ telephone/ radio/ television/…

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