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Why is English hard for Spanish speakers?

Why is English hard for Spanish speakers?

Spanish speakers learning English frequently have problems with pronunciation because of the differences between the two languages’ sound systems. English has 12 vowels and eight diphthongs, while Spanish has only five of each. The even rhythm in English of some Spanish speakers can make them difficult to understand.

Are Spaniards good English?

A new study places the country in 25th spot on a list of 33 European states with respect to its proficiency in the language. Spaniards do not have a good level of English. Unlike other countries, the number of Spaniards who can speak English has scarcely changed in the last 10 years.

Is English popular in Spain?

English is the most-spoken second language in Spain, the poll says, with 27.7\% of respondents saying they speak it, followed by French (9\%) German (1.7\%) and Portuguese (1.2\%). For those who do, however, 39.7\% speak English and 48.1\% speak French.

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Is it harder to learn Spanish or English?

Spanish is one of the languages that belong to the Romance language family, so learning Spanish for a native French or Italian speaker is much easier than for an English speaker. The grammar and vocabulary make the Spanish language difficult and have some of the most difficult skills to master.

Are Spanish fluent in English?

Spaniards do not have a good level of English. In fact, surveys from the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, and a report from the foreign language company, Education First, place Spain close to the bottom of the ladder compared to the rest of Europe when it comes to English proficiency.

Do Spanish people speak English or other languages?

Spanish people speaks Spanish. They speaks English if they wish to learn it. French people speaks French. They speaks English if they wish to learn it. Germans speaks German. They speaks English if they wish to learn it. And like that, on and on….

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Is the English language still a problem for Spanish people?

For Spanish people the English language is one of the pending issues in the educational system. Although the researches indicate that the problem is gradually descending, in terms of level we are still at the bottom of the EU countries in percentage of English speakers.

What does it mean when someone calls you Spanish?

“Spanish” means that someone is from the European country known as “Spain”. To say that someone is Spanish merely because he or she is a native Spanish speaker is like calling Americans, Canadians, Jamaicans, Australians, New Zealanders, Scots and Irish ”English” because they’re all native English speakers.