
Who was Joker before he became the Joker?

Who was Joker before he became the Joker?

Published in 1951, Detective Comics #168 revealed that the Joker was once the Red Hood, a masked criminal who fell into a vat of acid while attempting to escape from Batman. When he emerged from the cauldron, the villain was cursed with green hair, corpse-white skin, and that unnerving perma-grin.

Who is the Joker Mobius chair?

The Mobius Chair is primarily associated with Metron, of the Fourth World, but it has been revealed others have wielded its power, including the Anti-Monitor (who actually built the chair) and Batman. In 2016’s Justice League #50, the Dark Knight sat on the Chair and gained its accumulated knowledge.

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Is Batman the Three Jokers canon?

It is an in-canon story. The story began when Batman had possession of Metron’s chair. He asked it to tell him the identity of the Joker, and the chair revealed there were three.

Is Joker’s name Arthur or Jack?

No, the Joker has never been called Arthur Fleck in the comics. Some versions of the character are known to have the real name Jack Napier – it was first used for Jack Nicholson’s big-screen Joker and later in Batman: The Animated Series and the White Knight story arc, amongst other places.

WHO removes Joker’s face?

Following DC Comics 2011 relaunch of several of its comic series for The New 52, Detective Comics #1 (November 2011) sees the Joker captured by Batman and sent to Arkham Asylum; unbeknownst to Batman, this is part of the Joker’s plan to meet with the villain Dollmaker, who surgically removes Joker’s face at his request …

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Who killed the Clown in Batman three jokers?

The premise of Batman: Three Jokers was that there were three different versions of Joker running around the DC Universe: The Criminal, The Clown, and The Comedian. In issue #1, Jason Todd/Red Hood executed The Clown (The Joker that tortured and killed him as Robin II), leaving just The Criminal and The Comedian.

What happened to the Joker in the three jokers finale?

Read on for a full breakdown of the Three Jokers finale, but beware of full spoilers ahead! As issue #3 opens, only two of the original three Jokers are left standing, after Jason Todd executed “The Clown,” the Joker who left him for dead back in 1988’s Batman: A Death in the Family.

Who is the ultimate Joker?

The ultimate Joker is the Joker who took Bruce Wayne’s family away and started him on the path to being Batman. Have you read Batman: The Killing Joke? That’s the plan, anyway.

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Does the Killing Joke reveal the Joker’s origin story?

The revelation brings two major changes to The Killing Joke: First, it confirms the Comedian Joker — the modern iteration of the supervillain — has the failed stand-up comic origin story hinted at — but never definitively confirmed — in the original graphic novel’s flashback sequences.