What happened when Lucius dropped the prophecy?

What happened when Lucius dropped the prophecy?

In the battle that ensued, the prophecy was destroyed, and Lucius and his comrades were imprisoned in Azkaban in 1996. Although Voldemort broke them out of prison in 1997, he was displeased with Lucius for his failures and treated the Malfoys with much disdain and abuse.

What if Harry gave Lucius the prophecy?

So if Harry handed the Prophecy to Lucius chances are it would reach Voldemort.

Why is the prophecy in Harry Potter important to Voldemort?

Harry knew that the prophecy meant he was the only one who could stop Voldemort. Only he had the ability to vanquish the Dark Lord and that it was up to him to finish the Horcrux hunt after Albus Dumbledore died and end Voldemort’s reign of terror.

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Did Lucius hear the prophecy?

After being resurrected he once again tries to kill Harry and fails once again. So he sets Lucius on the mission to retrieve the prophecy so he can hear it in its entirety. But Lucius fails to retrieve the prophecy and it gets destroyed in the process.

What happened to Lucius Malfoy after the Battle of Hogwarts?

After Voldemort’s final defeat, Lucius and his family defected at the conclusion of the Second Wizarding War and were thus pardoned for their crimes. After Draco married Astoria Greengrass, he and Narcissa had a grandson, Scorpius Malfoy.

What happened to Lucius Malfoy after the war?

Why did Lucius betray Voldemort?

In Voldemort’s mind, Lucius was a once skilled and competent Death Eater who had badly disappointed him one too many times. Voldemort was an unforgiving boss. He knew that Lucius was a proud man, and that stripping him of his glory and dignity would be the best way to punish him.

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What happens to Draco Malfoy after the war?

After the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco had changed his views on muggleborns and muggles. After everything he had seen and had to grow up with, he didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. He eventually married Astoria Greengrass, a fellow Slytherin two years below him.

Why is Lucius Malfoy on Voldemort’s bad side?

The Dark Lord blamed Lucius for the mission’s failure. Lucius was imprisoned in Azkaban and, even after he is free, was treated as a disgrace and a failure by Voldemort and the other Death Eaters. In summary, Lucius is on Voldemort’s bad side because: he failed to obtain the prophecy for Voldemort.

Why did Lucius Malfoy fall from the Dark Lord’s Grace?

Lucius fell from the Dark Lord’s grace because he gave the diary Horcrux of the Dark Lord to Ginny Weasley. Professor Dumbledore tells in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince chapter 23, based on information from his spies, that this is the reason why Lucius fell from the grace. ‘Does Voldemort know when a Horcrux is destroyed, sir?

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Why was Voldemort’s return to the magical world kept secret?

When that mission failed, Voldemort’s return was exposed to the magical world. Voldemort had wanted his return to remain secret, so as to have less opposition. The Dark Lord blamed Lucius for the mission’s failure.

What did Lucius Malfoy do in the first Wizarding War?

Lucius became one of Lord Voldemort’s Death Eaters and helped wage the First Wizarding War in an attempt to bring down the Ministry of Magic. Some of his activities may have included taking the lead in the torturing of Muggles.
