
How long is creatine safe for?

How long is creatine safe for?

When used orally at appropriate doses, creatine is likely safe to take for up to five years.

Is creatine bad for your liver?

Current research suggests that creatine does not cause liver or kidney problems.

Can u take creatine with Coke?

Avoid drinking caffeine (coffee, tea, soda) or taking herbal stimulants such as ephedra or Ma Huang while you are taking creatine. Combining this product with these substances may increase your risk of having a stroke or other serious medical problems.

What is wrong creatine?

Depending on who you ask, the suggested side effects of creatine may include: Kidney damage. Liver damage. Kidney stones.

How long does before creatine go bad?

Just like any other supplements, Creatine comes with a limited expiry date. Usually, they come with a 2-3 years expiry date (aka best-before date). However, studies show that you can use them beyond that limited time window as well. Other supplements like Whey can go bad in less than 6 months of opening them.

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Does creatine ever expire/ go bad?

The most common type of creatine – creatine monohydrate – is particularly stable and can last for several years beyond its expiration date without losing potency. Additionally, creatine that is past its expiration date is safe to consume and shouldn’t cause any unwanted side effects if it has been stored properly in cool, dry conditions.

Can expired creatine make you sick?

No, expired creatine will not make you sick in general. If you have consumed creatine supplements before without noticing any sign of sickness or discomfort, you should not worry much. As we have already known that the nature of creatine monohydrate is less likely to breakdown easily, you should not worry about the expiry on the first point.

Is it okay to use expired creatine?

As long as you keep an eye out for any signs that your creatine has gone sour as listed above, then using 6 months expired creatine will be fine. Although, there is really no need to use expired creatine as it is one of the most inexpensive supplements on the market so you might as well throw away any that has possibly gone bad and buy a new bottle for a low price.