Tips and tricks

Why did the rich man sit back what was his opinion for the poor?

Why did the rich man sit back what was his opinion for the poor?

Answer: The rich man thinks about the wealth he has in store. He thinks of how to protect what he has earned from the “lazy shiftless poor”. This is more general than particular that the rich people regard the poor as lazy and lacking an aim to work hard.

What thoughts preoccupy the rich man’s mind what is the difference in the attitude of rich and poor to each other in the poem?

The rich man’s mind was preoccupied with the riches he has in store. He was thinking of how to keep safe what he had earned from the poor who he believes are ‘lazy and shiftless’. The rich man’s thought only reveals his obsession with wealth and his prejudiced mind against the poor.

Why are some people rich and others poor?

On the fundamental question of why some people are rich and others are poor, more Americans point to the advantages they possess – or the obstacles they face – rather than their work ethic.

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How do rich people view the world differently?

In addition to having larger bank account balances than most, rich people have different beliefs, philosophies and strategies. According to Siebold, there are endless ways the rich view the world differently from the masses.

Do rich people think it’s their right to be rich?

“They [the wealthy] believe if they make life better or easier for others, it’s their right to be rich.” 2. Rich people believe starting a business is the fastest way to make money … while the average person believes starting a business is risky. “The truth is, having a job is no safer than owning a business,” Siebold argues.

Do you think getting rich is only for the lucky few?

The masses think getting rich is reserved for a lucky few. “This distinction in thinking leads the middle class to the lottery and the world class to work,” he says. “They [the wealthy] believe if they make life better or easier for others, it’s their right to be rich.” 2. Rich people believe starting a business is the fastest way to make money …