What is the most important point to remember about bartending?

What is the most important point to remember about bartending?

You’ve gotta get your glassware, your ingredients, and all your tools ready. You need to grab things, work with two hands. If you see a bartender working with one hand, they’re not bartending efficiently. You always have to be moving with purpose and multitasking, and that’s something that takes time.

How do bartenders talk to their customers?

How to Make Small Talk Like a Bartender

  1. Ask How Their Day Is Going. “I always start with, ‘How is your day going so far?’
  2. Ask If They Come Here Often. “It really depends on the vibe of the night.
  3. Keep the Subject Matter Light.
  4. Extend an Old-Fashioned Handshake.
  5. Express Genuine Interest in the Other Person.
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What should bartenders know?

The greatest bartenders know ideal temperatures, drink ratios and density, and they regularly practice drink mixing and serving skills. People will judge you for becoming a career bartender. People who have never bartended may judge you for your career choice.

What do people order in bars?

Just over 52\% of the drinks ordered that evening were cocktails. The other 48\% was mostly straight spirits, highballs, and beer. The category “straight spirits/highballs” includes shots of liquor, liquors on the rocks, and liquor mixed with a soda or tonic.

Why do bartenders charge you for things you don’t order?

Plenty. And while most bartenders aren’t doing this to charge you for things you didn’t order, it’s often done to hide stuff like the aforementioned automatic gratuity and unrequested top-shelf pours. Some people are assholes and don’t think bartenders deserve an extra dollar for popping the cap off a beer.

How much do bartenders get paid in tips?

These include dive bars and lower class restaurants. On a quiet night, a bartender might make no tips (no-one came in!). But slow nights will usually bring them at least $40. On a good night, it’s possible to make upwards of $200. But that’s about as high as things go.

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What are the advantages of being an American bartender?

Still, the biggest advantage of being an American bartender is the money that you can earn. The USA has a GREAT tipping culture and bartenders here make the majority of their income from tips.

Are there any Bad Seeds in the bartending profession?

But like any profession, there are some bad seeds; bars and their keeps who — often with some nudging from management — use little scams to either shortchange customers or squeeze extra cash out of them. To help ensure you’re not one of those customers, we asked several bartenders to share with us the shady side of the business.