Who is the most important person in world history?

Who is the most important person in world history?

Hart’s Top 10 (from the 1992 edition)

Rank Name Occupation
1 Muhammad Spiritual and political Leader
2 Isaac Newton Scientist
3 Jesus Spiritual leader
4 Buddha (Siddartha Gautama) Spiritual leader

Who are the 3 most important people in the world?

Top 100 List

  • Muhammad (570 – 632 AD) Prophet of Islam.
  • Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) – British mathematician and scientist.
  • Jesus of Nazareth (c.
  • Buddha (c 563 – 483 BC) Spiritual Teacher and founder of Buddhism.
  • Confucius (551 – 479 BC) – Chinese philosopher.
  • St.
  • Ts’ai Lun (AD 50 – 121) Inventor of paper.
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Who is considered to be the most influential person in the world from 1000 AD 2000 AD?

No. 1 on A&E’s list is Johann Gutenberg, the German printer reputedly the first European to print with movable type. He is followed by English scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton, who first devised the laws of gravity, motion and differential calculus.

Who is the most important person who has lived in the past 100 years?

Of the 100 chosen, Albert Einstein was chosen as the Person of the Century, on the grounds that he was the preeminent scientist in a century dominated by science.

Who is the most important person in the world in 2021?

1. Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson, nicknamed “The Rock”, is the most famous person in the world as of 2021.

Who is the most famous person in the world 2020?

Who are the top 100 people from the past 1000 years?

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Here are the top 100 people from the past 1000 years. Buy the book to find out the other 900 influential people. Rank # Name Lifespan Accomplishment 1 Johannes Gutenberg 1394-1468 developed the printing press 2 Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 discovered the New World 3 Martin Luther 1483-1546

Who is the most famous person in the 17th century?

Famous People By Century. The 17th century scientists Sir Isaac Newton, Pierre de Fermat, and Robert Hooke, revolutionized the field of science and laid the foundations for future scientists to work on. The 18th century witnessed the birth of great people like George Washington, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Adam Smith.

Who are the most influential people in the world?

Buy the book to find out the other 900 influential people. Rank # Name Lifespan Accomplishment 1 Johannes Gutenberg 1394-1468 developed the printing press 2 Christopher Columbus 1451-1506 discovered the New World 3 Martin Luther 1483-1546 reformed Christendom 4 Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

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Who are the people on the 100 Hot List?

Not to give too much away, but the bulk of the people on this 100 hot list are largely scientists followed by philosophers and politicians. It is a very entertaining four hours plus and the debates certainly started to fly as soon as it was over.
