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Would you rather be attacked by one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses?

Would you rather be attacked by one horse-sized duck or one hundred duck-sized horses?

A horse size duck would be dangerous. Its bill could kill you and its wings might knock you over. If I had to, I would rather fight the duck size horses. Although a hundred to one odds would be terrible odds, they couldn’t all attack at once because they would get in each others way.

Would a horse-sized duck fly?

These pterosaurs were comfortably over 250 kg, which puts them into small-horse range, so something that is “horse-sized” could definitely fly. However, these are very differently shaped and scaled from ducks, as you can see.

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How do you fight a horse-sized duck?

How Do You Fight a Horse-Sized Duck? explores the new world of interviewing at A-list employers. It reveals more than eighty notoriously challenging interview questions and supplies both answers and a general strategy for creative problem-solving. Book recommendations, author interviews, editors’ picks, and more.

How much bigger is a horse than a duck?

So a horse is an average of 7.3 times longer/ taller/ wider than a duck.

How much does a horse weight?

890 lbsAdult

What is the size of horse?

Arabian horse: 4.8 – 5.1 ft.
Akhal-Teke: 4.8 – 5.3 ft.Hanoverian horse: 5.1 – 5.7 ft.

How much can a duck lift?

1 horsepower is equal to moving 75kg at 1 m/s, a duck can lift 25\% of it’s weight, if a duck weighs ~1kg, 300 ducks is required to move 75kg at a speed of 1m/s, so 1 horsepower is actually 300 duckpower….

Are ducks aggressive?

Female ducks are generally pretty laid back, but drakes can be territorial, and aggressive to other male members of their flock. Male ducks will fight other male ducks to establish alpha status in the flock, and male ducks will fight because of hormonal surges that make them aggressive and territorial.

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What is the average size of a horse?

How big is a mallard duck?

1.6 – 3.5 lbsAdult

What is the heaviest horse?

shire gelding Sampson
The tallest and heaviest documented horse was the shire gelding Sampson (later renamed Mammoth), bred by Thomas Cleaver of Toddington Mills, Bedfordshire, UK. This horse, foaled 1846, measured 21.2½ hands, 2.19 m (7 ft 2.5 in) in 1850 and was later said to have weighed 1,524 kg (3,359 lb).

What is the average size horse?

Would you fight a 100\% duck sized horse?

100 duck sized horses are still herd animals and can be contained and subdued by controlling the alpha animal. I’d fight a horse-sized duck.

What if a duck was the size of a horse?

If a duck was able to exist at the size of a horse, and you had to fight it, you’d be dead. If you have ever seen a regular sized duck get mad at anyone or anything or seen them mate, you’d know how brutal they are. Half the time, they don’t even know what they are eating.

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What would happen if you put 100 mini horses in duckyducks?

Ducks are already mean — a big one would be horrible. Depends on how organized the 100 little horses are. Mini-horses are probably a lot like snowflakes: They’re no big deal individually, but if they team up on you, you’re gonna get messed up.

Can a horse-sized duck fly?

According to McGowan, there’s no way a horse-sized duck could get off the ground. “If you go from a duck that’s one foot tall to a 10-foot-tall duck, you have to have more than 10 times as large of wings,” he says. For a horse-sized duck to fly, “you’d have to have around 100-times larger wings.