What culture is Iran?

What culture is Iran?

Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the region, and it has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia. Islam is practiced by the majority of Iranians and governs their personal, political, economic and legal lives.

What is important to Iranian culture?

Iran’s rich history has had a significant impact on the world through art, architecture, poetry, science and technology, medicine, philosophy and engineering. An eclectic cultural elasticity has been said to be one of the key defining characteristics of the Iranian identity and a clue to its historical longevity.

What were the goals of the Iranian Cultural Revolution?

They were not to open for another two years.” The main theme of the movement was to purify the universities and education system of foreign influences. In his original letter, Ayatollah Khomeini wrote: Set yourselves free from any ” –ism” and ” –ist” belonging to the East and the West.

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How does the Iranian revolution impact Marji and her family?

During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Marji and her family are frightened by the angry protests as they fear for their safety. Some of their family friends flee the country; others are arrested and tortured: “Executions took place daily and everyone was afraid. The new government adopted even more repressive laws.”

How did the Iranian Revolution shock the world?

The Iranian Revolution shocked the world as it was not caused by economic issues, but rather cultural reform. The Economic crisis had been, up to that point, the leading cause of revolutions and Iran had been enjoying relative economic prosperity. Iranians viewed the revolution as the only way to block western influence in their country.

How did Western culture affect Iran before the Revolution?

Western and Secular Influences on Iranian Society Before the Revolution. Prior to the revolution, Iran was ruled by a monarchy headed by Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi. The Shah was heavily US-backed and promoted westernization which many Iranians believed was diluting their indigenous culture and values.

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How has Iran changed over the years?

Outwardly, with a swiftly expanding economy and a rapidly modernizing infrastructure, everything was going well in Iran. But in little more than a generation, Iran had changed from a traditional, conservative, and rural society to one that was industrial, modern, and urban.

How did the Shah of Iran change the culture of Iran?

The Shah was heavily US-backed and promoted westernization which many Iranians believed was diluting their indigenous culture and values. Separation of sexes, which had been a traditional practice, had been banned. Women during this period wore western clothes in place of the hijab and could now go to school, vote, and work.