Tips and tricks

How many times should you revise your novel?

How many times should you revise your novel?

Plan to revise one chapter every day. If your book has 50 chapters or 60 chapters, aim to revise two chapters a day. However long your book may be, you can absolutely revise your latest draft in 30 days or less. I’ve done it before, dozens of times, and you can, too!

Should I edit my novel as I write?

Don’t edit while you write. Write first, edit later. But it breaks the cardinal rule of writing advice: there is no one guaranteed rule for successful or productive writing other than “do it.” Any advice is worth considering, some more than others—that’s why I read so much of it learn so much from it.

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How long does it take the average writer to write a novel?

It takes most authors about six months to a year to write a book. That said, your timeline will depend on the length and genre of your book, as well as your day-to-day writing routine. Other factors that affect your book-writing time include: The amount of research and outlining you do beforehand.

How do you revise a novel quickly?


  1. Step 1: Read through your book and take notes.
  2. Step 2: Address the timeline and overall pacing.
  3. Step 3: Round out any flat characters.
  4. Step 4: Fill in gaps in your worldbuilding.
  5. Step 5: Hone your scene-by-scene pacing and dialogue.
  6. Step 6: Copy edit carefully — look out for bad habits!

Why is it bad to edit while writing?

You can’t be creative if you’re dissecting every word you type. If you try to be, you’ll end up hating your work. You’ll ultimately lose any and all satisfaction you used to get from writing. You’ll wonder what made you want to be a writer if you’re so bad at it.

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Can a writer edit during drafting?

Upon completion of a rough draft, the writer should take on the first edit of his work. Editing is an on-going process, not a one time event. When an author edits his work, he is checking the piece for errors. The author should be reminded that he will need to edit his work at least two more times.

When should I start editing my novel?

Writing a novel is an emotional experience. We writers love our characters, and we love our stories. If you try to begin your editing process when you are still wrapped up in the emotional release of finishing your story and seeing your characters finally win, then you will lose objectivity.

Is it time to revise your book?

It’s time to revise, but revising without a plan can lead to hours of wasted effort and frustration. Rather than getting stuck in an endless editing loop, use this novel revision and editing guide to make sure you are doing the right edits in the right order. The first step in any revision checklist is to take a break from your book.

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What is the purpose of revising and editing?

In all writing processes, especially fiction writing, drafting your novel is only half the battle; the other half involves performing the oft-dreaded tasks of revising and editing. To pick out plot holes, voice inconsistencies and other errors in your current draft so you can begin amending and improving upon them…

How do you evaluate a novel?

It’s also about evaluating your novel’s plot and scenes in terms of: Plot originality, predictability, complexity, logicality/consistency, pacing; Characters – their motivations and relevance to the plot. Make sure to have a list of questions prepared as a guide to aid you through your evaluation process.