
What is the meaning of work done by external agent?

What is the meaning of work done by external agent?

Answer. D. Work done by external agent = Gain in Gravitational potential energy.

Is there any positive or negative in capacitor?

Electrolytic capacitors have a positive and negative side. To tell which side is which, look for a large stripe or a minus sign (or both) on one side of the capacitor. The lead closest to that stripe or minus sign is the negative lead, and the other lead (which is unlabeled) is the positive lead.

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Can the capacitor be negative?

The capacitors ability to store this electrical charge ( Q ) between its plates is proportional to the applied voltage, V for a capacitor of known capacitance in Farads. Note that capacitance C is ALWAYS positive and never negative.

Do capacitors have a negative and a positive terminal?

The majority of electrolytic capacitors are polarized types, that is the voltage connected to the capacitor terminals must have the correct polarity, i.e. positive to positive and negative to negative.

When a spring is stretched work done by the external stretching force is?

The work done by external agent in stretching a spring of force constant k=100 N/cm from deformation x1​=10 to deformation x2​=20 cm.

What is a negative capacitor?

Capacitors are simple devices that can store an electrical charge. Negative capacitance occurs when a change in charge causes the net voltage across a material to change in the opposite direction; so that a decrease in voltage leads to an increase in charge.

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When a spring is stretched by 2 cm It stores 100 J of energy if it is stretched further by 2 cm The stored energy will be increased by?

When the spring is stretched by 2 cm (=0.02 m), the stored energy is 100 J. We can find the value of spring constant k by putting the given values on the above equation. Now, if we stretch the spring further by 2 cm, x will be 4 cm (0.04 m).

What happens if you connect a capacitor with a negative terminal?

As a result, the capacitor will likely be destroyed. Most electrolytic capacitors have a negative terminal that’s marked with either an arrow, band, black stripe, or chevrons. These are in place to prevent any possible incorrect connections to the DC supply.

What happens when a capacitor is placed on a battery?

An electric field appears across the capacitor. The positive plate (plate I) accumulates positive charges from the battery, and the negative plate (plate II) will accumulate negative charges from the battery. After a point, the capacitor holds the maximum amount of charge as per its capacitance with respect to this voltage.

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What is the difference between capacitors with air gap and dielectric capacitors?

Thus, the field is doing work on the force holding back the dielectric – conversely, that force is doing negative work. When all is done, the energy stored in the capacitor with the dielectric is less than it was for the capacitor with the air gap. The difference is the work that was done BY the capacitor ON the dielectric.

Why is it so hard to understand capacitors?

The sheer number of capacitor characteristics are bewildering. Furthermore, it can be very difficult to interpret and understand the information printed onto the body of a capacitor.