
What language is more useful Chinese or Japanese?

What language is more useful Chinese or Japanese?

Since there is so much competition with English speaking Chinese natives, it’s hard to find a job that will hire you for language skills alone. Japanese, on the other hand, has less supply and more demand—thus making it a potentially more useful language.

What is the best language for career?

– Here are the top 10 best languages for your career:

  • Mandarin Chinese.
  • German.
  • Portuguese.
  • Japanese.
  • Spanish.
  • Korean.
  • French.
  • Arabic.

Is Japanese a useful language to learn?

122 million people speak Japanese as their native language, making it one of the most spoken foreign languages in the world. Japanese is one of the most useful languages to know for those who work in the automotive, communications, and financial sectors.

Which language is most useful to learn?

The Most Important Languages To Learn In 2021

  1. Mandarin Chinese. With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, of course it tops the list of most important languages to learn in 2021.
  2. Spanish.
  3. German.
  4. French.
  5. Arabic.
  6. Russian.
  7. Portuguese.
  8. 8. Japanese.
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Which language is useful in more countries?


Language World Americas
English 59 14
French 29 2
Arabic 22-25*
Spanish 20-21* 18

What is the best language to learn to boost career prospects?

Learn One Of These 7 Languages To Boost Your Career Prospects 1 Mandarin Chinese. 2 German. 3 Spanish. 4 Portuguese. 5 Japanese. 6 French. 7 Arabic.

Is Japanese a good language to learn for career?

The career scope in languages is undoubtedly the most important motivator. If you’re wondering which foreign language to learn, then picking the Japanese will immediately set you apart from the crowd. Among East Asia languages, it is the most popular choice. Is Japanese a difficult language to learn? How Long Does It Take To Learn Japanese? 1.

Which foreign languages are the most sought after by employers?

Chinese is also one of the most sought-after foreign languages among English-language employers, and is often considered particularly difficult for native English speakers to learn. Therefore, proficiency in Mandarin is a stand-out asset that is bound to catch the eye of a potential employer.

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What is the most useful language to learn for English speakers?

Top 7 Most Useful Languages to Learn for English Speakers. 1 1. Spanish. Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world after Chinese and English. It’s also the native language of more than 400 million 2 2. French. 3 3. A Chinese language, such as Mandarin. 4 4. German. 5 5. Japanese.