
How does ERP therapy work?

How does ERP therapy work?

ERP is a type of behavioral therapy that exposes people to situations that provoke their obsessions and the resulting distress while helping them prevent their compulsive responses. The ultimate goal of ERP is to free people from the cycle of obsessions and compulsions so they can live better.

Can ERP backfire?

This can actually backfire, reinforcing the obsessions rather than ending the cycle. Confronting one’s fears through ERP can be scary, but for many, it’s the only way to overcome them.

Does exposure and response prevention work for OCD?

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy is one of the most effective forms of treatment for OCD. Under the guidance of mental health professionals, people who receive ERP therapy can gradually reduce their anxieties and stop the problematic cycle of OCD.

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Can Pocd be cured?

The condition often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The good news is that POCD is treatable just like any other subtype of OCD.

How does ERP change your brain?

The thing is, ERP aims to desensitize the participant to their intrusive thoughts by focusing on response prevention. In other words, ERP will trigger the obsessions (i.e. intrusive thoughts). The progress comes from allowing the intrusive thoughts to sit there and not respond with a compulsion.

How do you do ERP for intrusive thoughts?

ERPA exercises address each one of these events. First, you select a trigger for a particular obsession-compulsion combination and then practice exposure to this trigger. During the exposure, the next step is to refrain from rituals and instead practice awareness of the distress.

Can ERP make things worse?

Yes, things may get worse before they get better, and ERP is hard, but living with untreated OCD is harder.

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Can ERP make OCD worse?

1. ERP can be stressful to start. People on the NOCD team that have OCD have often shared that doing ERP will initially make your OCD symptoms feel worse, so it is crucial to have an OCD therapist to help you persevere during the beginning of your treatment journey.

How often should you do ERP?

ERP works best when the exercises are specific and well designed, when the client’s anxious arousal is intense, and when the ‘dose’ of exposure is substantial and systematic. Sessions are often longer than usual (90-120 minutes), and twice or thrice weekly sessions are common.